Chapter 8

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*Casey's POV*

We walked into Sam's house. Edgar and Alan were jumping up and down, talking about plans or whatever. I was only focused on one thing. They wanted to kill David.

David would do all he could to survive. And I don't want anybody getting hurt. At least, anybody else. I mean, Marko is already dead. The only other person I care about is David. Maybe, just maybe, Alan. But, I can't do anything.

"Hey, Casey?" I heard someone ask. I turned around and saw Sam.

"Hey Sam..." I trailed off.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. Perfectly fine. Except for the fact that my best friend killed my brother. I'm awesome." I said sarcastically. He sighed.

"He didn't know..." Sam tried.

"I know. But..." I stopped.

"What?" Sam asked, looking me in the eyes.

"I couldn't tell them. I couldn't put them at risk. And now... They know. I don't want them to get hurt. Well, I don't want Alan to get hurt." I said. Sam laughed a little.

"Deep down, you know you care about Edgar." Sam said.

"Uh huh," I said, walking away.


Sam, Edgar, and Alan rode their bikes down to town. I said I probably shouldn't go, given the sunlight could make me weak. So, I stayed in the house until they got back with the supplies. Sam crushed the garlic, and they put holy water in the bathtub. Everything was set up. They were coming. We heard it. And Sam, of course, it had to be right know, remembered Nanook outside.

Everybody shouted at Sam, as he ran to get Nanook inside. Of course, they made it just in time. Someone slammed the door, and we all got into positions.

I stayed with Edgar and Alan. And everyone else separated.

Then, things started...

Short update. I know. But, how was it?? I needed to update but didn't really want to write right now. So, here's a quick update. Talk me if you liked it! :)

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