Chapter 5

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Hahahahah 2 chapters!!! I'm so tired.

"And then the dog started chasing my mom, like the Hounds of Hell in Vampires Everywhere" Sam said. Hey, I learned his name!

We were opening up the store right now, and Sam was explaining how this dog attacked his mother.

"We've been aware there has been some very serious vampire activity in this town for a long time." Edgar was saying.

"Santa Carla's become a haven for the undead." Alan informed Sam. Boy, don't I know it.

"As a matter of fact, we're almost certain that gouls and werewolves like to..." I couldn't understand the rest.

"Kill your brother, you'll feel better," Alan said bluntly. I elbowed him and he looked at me. I gave him a look and he turned away.

"Look guys, my brothers not a blood sucker" Sam protested. "Look, it says here, that if you kill the head vampire..."

"All half vampires will return to normal" I finished. Sam half smiled at me, then continued talking.

"Guys, if my brother's a vampire, believe me, he's only half."

"Does your brother know who the head vampire is?" Edgar asked.

"No, i-i don't think so." He said. And this is where I don't talk at all. I will not let anything happen to Edgar. Or Alan. And especially not Sam. He doesn't deserve it. I know, I know the head vampire is.

"Then you'll have to kill him," Edgar, once again, disrupting my thoughts.

"Of you don't, we will" he finished. Sam sighed.

"This a all started when my mom went to work at Max's video store..." Sam started. "Max never comes in til after its dark, the dog who chased my mom this morning was his. And listen to this, " vampires require a day time protector, a guardian, to watch over them as they sleep. Feirce dogs, the Hounds of Hell are often employed for this purpose." " he said, reading from the comic in his hands.

"No shit" Edgar said, plainly.

"Yeah, well what happens when my mom's dating the head vampire?" Sam asked. And this is what David meant by staying out of his way. Paul was right. I have no clue what David's going to do.

"You guys can nail 'em, and save Santa Carla. Truth, justice, and the American way triumphs, thanks to you three," Sam finished. You three my ass. That's not how it works.

"We'll check out Max," Edgar agreed.

Sam left, I decided to leave, and this time, Edgar didn't give me crap about it.

So, I walked down the boardwalk. Only to run into the last people I want to see. Paul, Dwayne, my brother, Marko, my best friend, Taylor, and her brother, whom I just happen to be closest to, David.

"Hey!" Taylor cheered. I smiled. "Hey," I replied.

"Casey, we need to talk" David said slowly. I was unsure, but I trusted him. I walked away from everyone, David followed.

"I know, Paul told me, you want me to stay out of your way, and keep Edgar and Alan away too. I know. I'm working on it. Its just kind of hard. When you can't explain to your vampire hunting best friends why they shouldn't be hunters and to stay out of vampires ways." I said.

"Casey, you know Max doesn't want to hurt your little friends. You know, he will, if he has to."

"I know, but-"

"No 'buts'. If you and your friends don't stay away, he will hurt them. He will hurt you. I don't want anything to happen to you. Promise me, that you'll be safe." David said.

"I promise," I said, honestly. "Max is going to Sam's house and eating dinner. Edgar and Alan are gonna check him out." I informed.

"Okay, don't get hurt," he was sincere about it. But that was all. Nothing else happened.

So, I, along with Edgar, and Alan, showed up at Sam's, ready to 'check' Max out.

We walked into the same room as Sam's mom, Lucy and , the one and only, Max. He ruined mine and my brothers lives.

"Mom? These are my dinner guests, Edgar and Alan Frog, and Casey...?" Sam trailed of.

"Newton," I revealed my last name.

"Oh, I didn't know you were having guests.'' Lucy said.

"Well, mom, ya know, if we're in your way we can go eat some peanut butter out of a jar in the kitchen," Sam said.

"N-no, there's plenty for everybody." Lucy smiled kindly, by this time, Max had spotted me, gave me a knowing glance, and continued acting, as if he weren't hiding anything.

"Max, this is my son Sam, and Edgar and Alan, Frog?" She asked. They nodded. "And Casey, Newton" she finished.

• • •

"Lucy, this looks devine," Max said.

"Oh, thank you. I hope it tastes good." She thanked Max.

"Mm! Boy, somebody around here has bad breath," Lucy stated. Then, all eyes went to Max. He looked stunned, and confused. All just an act.

"Nanook, would you quit breathing on me?" Lucy asked kindly.

"Nanook, get upstairs. Go on," Sam ushered.

"Your dog is do pretty, Sam." I said. Sam smiled. Alan looked at me, and kind of glared.

Edgar nodded and Sam offered 'Parmesan cheese' to Max. It was really garlic. Max accepted the offer, put allot of it on, and choked. I hated this guy so much, it was hard not to laugh.

Sam, then purposely spilled water on Max, it didn't burn. They turned off the lights, he didn't glow. They put a mirror in his face, he had a reflection.

"I think I know what's going on around here,", Max said.

" You do?" Edgar said, only half worried.

"Yeah, I know what your thinking, Sam. And your wrong." Max said. I grabbed onto Alan's hand.

(Lol guys, this book needs action)

Alan looked at me. I half smiled. He half smiled back.

"I am?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, I'm not trying to replace your father, or take your mother away from you. I only want to be your friend..." Max explained. Friend my butt. 'Friend' is another word for 'vampire'.

"Big, mistake," Sam sighed.

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