Chapter 4

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"Paul," I said, slowly. He turned around, slowly walking back to me.

"Yes, darling?" He creeps me out.

"What is he going do to?" I asked, quietly. All he did was smile. "What?"

"You have no clue, do you?" He asked, shaking his head.

"What is he going to do?" I asked again. He walked closer to me. Honestly, I was scared of what he was going to say next. "Well, I can't tell you that." And walked away, this time, I didn't stop him.

*The Next Day*

I walked slowly down the boardwalk. I wanted to take as long as I could to get to Edgar and Alan. I couldn't 'distract' them. There's no way. And I don't want anything to happen to them. They're my only true friends.

What was he going to do? Why did he want me to distract them? He's never asked me to do something like this before...

Soon, too soon, I walked into the comic book store. I walked up to Alan and Edgar. Alan saw me but Edgar wasn't facing me.

"Hey Alan," I said, nodding to him. Edgar turned around. He put an arm around me and said, "So, you're telling me... you don't find her attractive?" I looked at Alan, wide eyed. He just rolled his eyes and said, "its not important..."

Ring ring ring

(Yep, that's the phone lol I'm too tired. I shouldn't be writing this)

Edgar picked up the phone and Alan and I gathered around too. I couldn't hear so I just sat there, hearing only their side of the conversation.

"You did the right thing by calling us," Edgar said. My guess is the show off was on the other end. I still didn't know his name...

"Does your brother sleep a lot?" Edgar continued the interrogation.

"Does sunlight freak him out?" Alan spoke up.

"Bad breath, long fingernails?" Edgar asked.

"He's a vampire alright." Alan said.

"Alright, here's what you do. Get yourself a sharp steak, and drive it right through his heart." Edgar took over. Isn't this 'vampire' his brother? He's gonna kill his brother?

"Okay, we'll do it for ya" Alan replied. He probably said no.

"Then you better get yourself a garlic T-shirt, buddy. Or is your funeral." Edgar said, hanging up. A thought crossed my mind.

"Can you really get garlic t-shirts?" I asked. Edgar stared at me. "What?" I asked.

Short update. But aye, Paul is creepin'? Am I right?? Lol. Sorry. I'm really tired. Its 1am. I am sleep deprived. But I can't fall asleep. Now I really want a garlic T-shirt....

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