Small bump

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The doors to the apartment swung open as Alexander pushed on them. I scooted into the front foyer and looked around the large apartment. He put the bags on the floor and looked at me with a sympathetic look. 

"I'm going to make something to eat do you want anything?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"I'm not really hungry, I think I'm just going to lay down," I said grabbing my bag from the ground and walking towards the hallway.

"Oh, okay," Alexander said with a heartbroken tone.

I knew I was breaking his heart but I just wanted to be alone and grieve. My feet scoffed against the floor as I moved down the hall. Once I reached the spare room, I pushed the door open and was greeted by familiarity. The last time I was in this room the feeling was unsureness but now it's replaced with sadness and heartache. My bag hit the floor at the end of the bed and I felt my body hit the bed gently. I watched the rain drops fall down on the window and the city lights illuminate the  room.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I laid there cold and alone. I scrunched my knees into my chest and sobbed harder. I felt my body shake with each cry and the pain was extraordinarily hurtful. A pair of strong familiar arms wrapped around me as I whimpered.


Soft whimpers and sobs  came from the spare room as I stood at the end of the hallway. I quickly moved down the hall to Georgy. My body placed itself on the bed behind her and my arms wrapped around her tightly. 

"Why? Why me?" Georgy sobbed harder.

"Shh I know baby, I know," I said hugging her tighter.

I put my face into her back and inhaled the sweet smell of her natural scent. My eyes began to water with every cry that came from Georgy. We laid in the pink silk sheets and cried for what felt like for hours until small snores fell from Georgy's lips. I placed gentle kisses on her warm damp cheek as she slept.

"Goodnight my Darling," I whispered placing another kiss on her cheek and pulling my arms away from her. 

I stood up from the bed and walked over to her side of the bed. I quietly walked to the closet and pulled out a pink knitted blanket. I unfolded it and placed it over Georgy's small, fragile body. Once I decided that she was comfortable and cared for, I left the room and closed the door behind me. I strolled down the hallway and decided to go to my office upstairs.

The large wooden door opened and let me enter my office. I walked through the dark and found my wait to my desk lamp. I flicked it on and wondered over to the bar cart in the corner of the room. A soft glow lit up the room as I poured bourbon into a small glass cup. I swished the gold liquid around the glass and tilted it back on my lips. I slid down my throat with a burn but tingled through my entire body. I grabbed the bourbon bottle again and poured myself another glass. Once I was done filling up the glass, my feet carried me to my office chair and sat me down. I opened up my laptop and began working on reports and business e-mails. 

I sipped at my glass as I typed and read documents. As time went by I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier. I threw back the small bit of bourbon back and closed my laptop. I stood up from my desk and turned my light off. I felt around the room trying not to run into anything or trip on anything. My body stood outside the door way and closed the door behind me. I wondered down the stairs and into my bedroom. My fingers switched the light on and was greeted by a small body laying peacefully in my bed. Her eyes looked deeply into me from across the room.

"I had a bad dream," Georgy said quietly.

A small smile appeared on my face. 

The lights turned off with my fingers and I stripped from my clothes to crawled into bed. I pulled Gerorgy close to me and kissed her on the forehead. 

"I got you baby, nothing will happen to you now," I whispered to her softly.



I woke up with the same ache in my heart and feeling Alexander's arms around me was reassuring but I couldn't stop thinking about the dream. I turned over in the bed and kissed Alexander's sleeping face. I small pleasant mumble came from his mouth but was quickly replaced with snores. I removed his arms from my waist and got out of the king sized bed. My feet hit the cold hardwood floor and sent a shiver up my spine. My body carried me to the bathroom and shortly after to the kitchen. I searched through the fridge but still felt like hunger wasn't within me. I grabbed a glass from the cupboard above me and filled it with water. 

I sat at the table and watched the cars fly by the city and the sun beat through the window. Spring was beginning to come to Seattle once again and the dark cold winter was leaving us. I reached down to my stomach and rubbed my small bump that was left over from days ago. A sigh left my lips as I sat there fragile and broken. I got up from the chair and went back to sleeping Alexander. He was sprawled out across the bed as I watched him sleep. I reached for my phone from the charger and saw I had a missed call from Amber and Callie. 

Amber promised she would check in with me everyday but I just wanted to be left alone, I didn't have the heart to tell her that of course. I left the room and watched my phone pop her name up on the screen. I pressed the phone to my ear and heard her gentle voice come through the speaker. 

"Georgy, I'm happy to hear from you! Is everything alright?" She asked kindly.

"Everything is alright yes, I just thought I would check in with you to give you an update," I said walking to the kitchen. 

"Do you need anything?" She asked me.

"No, no, I think we are okay but I wanted to talk to you about something," I explained to her.

I continued telling her about my dream and how supportive Alexander has been through the last couple of days. 

"Alexander has always been a very supportive man but keep an eye on him, he isn't angry but when something happens he can change," Amber informed me.

"When he was younger he would fight to get the anger out, just watch over him for me," She spoke.

"I will, thank you Amber," I said in a hushed tone.

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