Awkward dinners.

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She finally picked up the phone after a couple of rings. Her voice calmed me as we spoke. I wanted to ask her my dying question but I don't think it was the best idea. My mum chatted with me for a while until I told her that I needed to go back to her. I looked at the time and realized how late it was getting back in America.

"Mum can you do one more thing before I go?" I asked her.

"What is it darling?" She asked sweetly.

"Can you tell Georgy that I-" I began to say.

"I'm not telling her anything, you need to," She cut me off.

I sighed.

"I'm trying but she won't answer me," I said running a hand over my hair.

"I'm sorry Alexander, you need to fix what you did," My mum spoke softly.

"Well can you tell me how she's doing at least?" I pressed.

"She's hurting but is trying to put a brave face on," She sighed.

I didn't say anything. 

"Hello?" My mum asked.

"Sorry mum, I um...I have to go," I said hanging up the phone.

"Fuck me," I said putting both hands on my head.



A knock on my bedroom door disturbed my thoughts. Shortly after the knock, Callie poked her head through the door. She smiled lightly and entered the room; carefully closing it behind her.

"Hey," I whispered.

"Hey girl, you alright?" She asked.

I nodded my head.

"Yeah I'm good, dinner was kind of awkward though," I shrugged and watched her sit on the end of my bed.

She didn't say anything.

"Does Miles not like me?" I finally asked.

"No he does like you but he...he's just kind of hard to read," Callie said looking at her hands.

"It just seemed at dinner that he didn't like me," I explained.

"I don't think he meant to say anything rude to you," She began.

"Mum's giving him a talking to right now," She laughed.

Callie was trying her best to cheer me up. I can't help but feel like I'm being a burden to them. I rested my arms on my knees and my head on the top of my hands. Callie moved closer to me and placed her hand on my arm.

"I'm sorry things have gone to shit," She said with a sad look on her face.

I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"It's fine, nothings perfect," I said putting my knees down.

"Are you really move out though?" Callie asked with a little pout.

I nodded my head.

"Well I would like to find a place eventually, it won't be tomorrow or next week but it would be nice," I said.

"I just don't want to be in your guys way and if I don't have to see your brother right now I would feel a lot better," I laughed lightly.

Callie laughed and shook her head.

"I don't blame you, I don't want to be around him half the time either," She teased.


After talking to Callie for a while, I finally made it into bed. My eyes where growing heavy. I tucked the blankets into my chest as I laid there. The question from Miles still left a sting in my chest. He is a very hard man to read but I couldn't tell if he wanted me here or not. I have been here for a while and I have been grateful but I think my stay was coming to an end. I decided that I would start looking tomorrow. Apartments are expensive in Seattle but I don't need anything fancy. 

My eyes finally closed and let sleep take over. My mind let go and went to a world where things were peaceful.

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