The journey.

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*December 9th*

I put all the winter clothes I have into my suitcase for the month and zipped it up. The Suitcase squeezed closed and sat on my bed. I wrapped my hands over the handle and pulled it off the white duvet. It clunked down on the floor and sat at the end of the bed. I rolled it over to the front of my closet and left it alone. I walked down to Alexander's bedroom and saw him zipping up his suitcase. He looked up and smiled at me as he pulled the luggage off his bed. He dropped to the floor and was pushed away to the dresser by his closet.

"All packed?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded my head.

"I'm so excited for this trip," I jumped up and down.

Alexander put his arms around my body and pulled me in.

"I'm sure my mom and sister will be so excited to see you," He said into my freshly cut hair.

I squealed and nodded my head.

Alexander let go of me and grabbed my shoulders.

"I booked a hotel room for tonight and tomorrow night," He admitted.

"Where are we staying?" I asked.

"We're just staying at the Seattle Airport Marriott," He smiled.

"Perfect," I said kissing his cheek.

I went back to my room and grabbed my suitcase. I pulled the heavy bag down the marble floor and put it with Alexander's suitcase. He smiled and chuckled.

"Did you pack your backpack Darling?" He asked.

"Yes! I left it in my room," I said quickly running back to my bedroom.

Once I grabbed everything I was gonna take with me I sat on the couch and waited for Alexander to come out. I flicked the tv on and heard his footsteps coming from the hall. He came around the corner and sat beside me.

"You want to watch a movie until we have to leave?" He asked.

"Yes please," I smiled.

He changed the tv to Netflix and picked a funny movie. We used the movie as background sound as we chatted about the trip. Alexander's mom called him a few weeks ago and asked us if we wanted to come to England for Christmas. She invited us for a month so Alexander booked off work for us to go. I was still planning on working from my laptop while we were there. Alexander laced his hand with mine and kissed the top of it. I turned my focus to the movie and watched Seth Rogan and James Franco dance with each other. Alexander and I have already watched all the Christmas movies but haven't watched the funny ones. I giggled at the silliness and heard Alexander chuckle.

"So Georgy, what do you want for Christmas?" He asked me.

"You've done enough for me Alexander, you don't need to get me anything," I laughed.

"You deserve the world Georgy," He smiled.

I cuddled into him.

"I just want you for Christmas," I admitted.

"I'm all yours," He whispered.


Alexander's driver put all of our luggage in the back of the SUV and got in himself. We drove through the snow and traffic to the hotel. After a bit of driving we finally got to the hotel. The large building towered over us. Alexander and I grabbed our bags from the driver and said goodbye. We walked inside to the lobby and checked in at the front desk. We got into the elevator and went up to our suite. Alexander opened the door for me and let me in. The room opened to a King sized bed against the wall and the bathroom on the right. I pulled my suitcase inside and put it in the closet on the left. Alexander walked inside and closed the door behind him. He did the same thing with his suitcase and looked around the room. I walked over to the large window and looked over Seattle. Alexander wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. I rested my face against the side of his head and sighed.

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