Eb!Tommy meets Wilbur

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A/n Eburnean Tommy is where dream killed and revived Tommy to the point where his hair turned pure white and he doesn't respond to any pain noises around him or a lot of things. Of you want to know more just go to YouTube and look up Eburnean  Tommy.

3 person POV
Tommy was walking down a path in the woods. Ahead of him was another person. Tommy didn't seem to notice. Tommy kept walking when he stepped on some leaves startling the person in front of him.

Wilbur POV
I had heard some leaves crackle behind me. I turned around as fast as I could. Then I saw Tommy?  I looked as the figure more closely. It was Tommy but what happened to beautiful blonde hair. Tommy had stopped in the middle of the road just staring at me. So o walk toward him.

"Hey Tommy did ya miss me" I asked confidently

Tommy didn't answer. All he did was stare at me. Did he not want to talk. I felt around in my pockets and conveniently I found a book and quill.  I passed them to Tommy. His attention perked up some.

Tommy preceded to dribble down some notes. He then pushed into my face. It read "Who are you?"

"It's me Wilby" I tell him

He scribbles down some more words.  Then gave it to me this time it read "Wilby is it really you."

"Yeah bud what happened to you"

He looked down at his notebook for a second before writing one word. And that one word was "Dream"

"Oh" I say in response

He just stares for a minute. I can't imagine all of pain and suffering he must have gone through.

"Tommy could I kiss you. I've missed you for so long."

Tommy then looked up with more attention then before. He focused his eyes on me before nodding. I leaned down and the cupped the side of his face. He leaned onto my warm hand. I brought his lips to mine at pushed softly. We stayed liked this for a little bit before I brushed my tongue along his bottom lip. He didn't seem to notice so I did it again as of realizing what I wanted he opened his mouth. I stick my tongue into his mouth reclaiming the crevices of the wet cavern i loved. Then i pulled away for breath. It sounds as if Tommy is trying to talk. I heard labored muttering.

"Hey just use the book bud if you need to tell me something" I tell kindly

He writes down some more words.
It reads "missed you Wilbur. You were gome for so long. Can I go home with you have no where else to go."

"Of course Tommy" I chuckle

He tugs at my jacket. I look down to see he had written one last thing.
"Kiss me again please"

I bring his up to my again and kiss again he kisses back this time. This kiss lasts a little longer. When we break thr kiss I give him a hug. Then I pick him up bridal style. Then I start walking home.

A/n a hope you like this story. Was trying best to figure out how him would act and talk. If you guys want a part two in any of my stories the just let me know.
Word count: 566

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