High school au

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A/n hey guys it been a minute so how have yall tiny demons been? I hope it's been OK for yall. Any way I dibt have anything to say today so onto the story.

Tommy pov
I opened my eyes and stared at the roof before my alarm fo school went off. I got out of bed and got dressed. I walk into the kitchen to see motherinnit cooking food.

"Morning mum" I say

"Hey Toms sleep well"

" yeah but I am going to head off to school now see you later"

"Hey before you go"

I turn and stand to look at her.

"Have this" sh stuffs some toast in my mouth as I walk out the door

I give her a smile and start walking to school. It looked really pretty. There was snow on th trees and the ground. Ice covered most of the ground so I tried not to fall and slip. I passed the park watching some of the.kids play before school. Then down I little farther before walking into the school. I had finished my toast some time ago not relising it. I walked to my locker and opened it up to find my things. My locker door starts to shut a little

"Hey Toms what cha doing?"

"What does it look like wilby?" I retort

"Nothing fun" he replies

" well that can be changed I just got to school"

"Well what do you wanna do sunshine"

I can feel my blush start creeping up again " no don't start with that today." I reply knowing he won't stop but i mind at all but I would never admit that

"OK what about mi amor then"

" oh lord wilby your gonna be the death of me" my blush is now there

(I think of reflect my life a little too much in some of these. I am wring this like if it were me and my best friend)

"Awwww isn't the sweet now I know you love me"

I roll my eyes. I have really fallen for this dude haven't I?

The bell rings and will looks to me
"well I gotta go"

"OK you weirdo"

A little done the hallway I hear him shout " you know you love me dork"

Under my breath I whisper "yeah I know I do" my smile comes into my face as I head to class

Timo skim (lunch time)

I walk over to me and Wills normal hang out spot. Will is already there. I smile to myself. I walk over and sit beside him

"Hey wilby"

He looks up "Hey tom"

"What cha doing"

"Nuthin much"

Me and wil chat lunch away before the bell rings and we go to our next class.

(After school)

" Hey Tom wanna Come over"

"Lemme ask motherinnit"

He smiles and nods as I pull out my phone and call her

"Hey mum can I go to wil house"

" yeah just let me know I'd tou stay the night ok"

"OK mum" I turn to will " she said yes"

Wilbur smiles as we start walking to his house as we walk we chat about random things once we finally reach his house we go inside.

" so whtcha want to do?"

"I don't know you invited me"

Wilbur gets his smile on his face and I frown at him knowing what is welk coming

"Well sunshine maybe we could make out" he says in his playful voice

" why are you so weird wilby"

"I don't know but my love way won't you marry me"

I roll my eyes knowing soon I will be as bright as a cherry

"Why you know very well that if I ever even jokingly said yes to your "proposals" you would b like that one meme where is like "your an idiot" " I'm your idiot forever""

" yes but I wuve you so much mi amor"

I can already feel my face heating up. I sit on the couch and Wilbur has now laid his head into my lap and giving the puppy eyes. I try to cover my face with the back of my hand to hie the blush. Wilbur giggles from my lap

" your so cute tommy"

I pause for a second. Did he really just say that? I look down at him astonished. Wilbur looks up at for a sec before sitting up and realizing what he had said.

"OH sorry tommy did I cross a line?"

I shake my head. Now not looking him in the eye. Thus is how I die from ambarassment. Cause of my crush and best friend.

"Hey why have you looked away? Did I do something wrong?"

I shake my head again

"Will you look at me then?" Wilby asks again

I shake my head again.


I stay silent. Then I feel Wilbur hands on my cheeks and he turns my head. I look into his eyes and we stare at each other before Wilbur kisses me?


He pulls away before realizing what h did

" oh fuck I'm sorry tommy i..I... sorry?

Je keeps babbing so I take his face into my hands.and kiss.him again. His eyes go wide before giving into the kiss. We break apart and rest our foreheads on one anothers

" did that just..."

"Yeah" he responds

"So does that we can be..."

"If you want"

" the. Can we be wilby"

"Of course sunshine"

A/n hey I hope you like this is like the longest story I have ever doen so I hope it's good anyway talk to you later loves bye

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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