Sick cuddles

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This was requested by Xx_idcidk_Xx. It will be fluff. Hope you like. PS They are 8n a secret relationship

Tommy POV
I was sitting on my bed. I picked up my phone to see Wilbur was active. I clocked on to the chat messages and clicked on Wilbur's.

   Hey Wilby what ya doing?

Just editing a video wbu

Sitting on my bed.
Do you think I could come over today

Yeah as long a your parents say it's ok

Yay I gonna go ask

Ok <3

I walked into the living room to see my mum sitting on the couch. I walked over to her and nudged her leg.

"Whatcha need Honey" Motherinnit asked

"Would it be fine if I go and see Wilbur" I asked politely

"As long as you bundle up and lent me know if any plans change. Then tou may go." Motherinnit responded

I jumped up and made a happy noise. I ran up to my room and grabbed my coat and snow shoes. I reached over and grab a hat to be safe.

Wilby be over soon getting my things together.

Ok Toms see you soon.

I grabbed my backpack and went outside. I started walking toward the park.

Time skip brought to you by skittles dipped in chocolate.

I was about 2 blocks from Wilbur's house when I slipped. I face planted into the new plowed snow pile. When I tried to stand I slipped again and fell into a puddle that had been melting and trying to refreeze. I sat up in the puddle soaking wet. I grabbed my bag but to make matters worse the bottom fell out. I know I should have gotten a new one last week.

Wilby I need help

What do you mean Toms

I'm soaking wet and the bottom of my bag fell out.
I'm am only 2 blocks from your house


k Toms I'm omw

Wilbur POV
I grabbed the blanket on my couch and my empty bag. Then I rushed out the door to see Tommy sitting in a puddle shivering. I walked over and held out my hand. He took it. I pulled Tommy up onto his feet.

"Here take this blanket aand go inside and change clothes I'll pick up your stuff ok?" I stated

Tommy nodded.

Time skip brought to you by a Youtuber

3 person POV
Tommy walked out of the bathroom into some of Wilbur's clothes. They were a little too big. Tommy was still shivering. Then he let out a sneeze.

"Dont tell me you caught a cold." Wilbur graoned.

Tommy walked over to Wilbur and sat down in front of him.

"I hope not. I want some kisses" Tommy pouted

Wilbur put his lips to Tommy head. He did feel slightly warm.

"Wilby my nose feels stuffy" Tommy complained

"You have caught a cold sorry sweetie" Wilbur said.

"Can I still have a kiss" Tommy said with puppy eyes.

"Yes come here" Wilbur smirked

Tommy climbed onto Wilbur's lap. Wilbir cupped Tommy face. Then brought it to his own. Tommy kissed  back with a whine. Wilbur smirked onto the kiss knowing what Tommy wanted. He licked Tommy bottom lip smirking. Tommy gratefully open up. The kiss went on for a little longer.

"Should we tell your mom to come pick you up." Wilbur teased

Tommy shook his head continuously.

"Should we ask her of you can stay?" Wilbur whisper into his ear

"Yes please. I want to stay with you." Tommy replied

Tim Ski brought to you by fanfics

Wilbur hung up the phone after talking with Motherinnit. He pulled Tommy further into his lap. Tommy cuddled into Wilbur's chest.

"Your mom said you could stay for a few days"Wilbur informed.

"Ooooh" Tommy stopped mid sentence to sneeze "kay" He replied

Wilbur brought Tommy face up to his for another quick kiss.

"Wanna go cuddle for a little bit" Wilbur asked

Tommy nodded into Wilbur's chest. Wilbur secured Tommy by linking his arms under Tommy ass and then stood up. He walked to his bedroom. He laid down Tommy and then he.laid down beside him and pulled Tommy close. Tommy snuggled back into Wilburs chest.

"I love Toms" Wilbur whispered

"I love you too Wilby" Tommy mumbled back.

A/n I hope you liked it. This was my first request so I hope I did a good job on it
Word count: 735

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