Chapter TwentyTwo- Let's Talk

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"K-Kuroji...!" I stammer, blushing like crazy. He holds my hands and leans in. I widen my eyes and I'm about to move away, when I hear a scream. We both let go and turn, seeing Corey dashing towards us. "We need help. People are dying!" he says. "B-But I left Katoro with you...!" Kuroji says, obviously embarrassed. "Yeah!? Well she stormed off. Ditched us." Corey says, rolling his eyes angrily.
"But...why...Did she really...!?" he spits out, obviously angry with his sister.
"Well, I'll come help. Nobara, you should probably go back to your castle and be ready to lead that village." Kuroji says, standing up confidently. He is a natural leader...
I bite my lip, the color of my cheeks still a deep red. "But...Kuroji, I need to talk to you!" I plead, running after him. He turns and I run into him, which makes this whole situation even more awkward.
He lifts up my chin with his finger.
"We will," he says. I nod, my eyes finding the ground. He runs off, side-by-side with Corey. I should be surprised by Corey's speed, since I was used to him being a human, but all I can seem to think about is Kuroji's eyes and the words he said.

I run to my castle gates and find a crowd of people leaving angry comments with my guards. When the guards see me, they make a pathway for me. I walk through my gates and tell the guards to bring in four people at a time to leave their comments with me in my throne-room. Then I push open the doors, sit in my throne, and wait.
Pretty soon four people--a young man, a teen girl, and old woman, and a teen boy--walk in. "What would you like to tell me?" I ask calmly. They all awkwardly bow down and stand back up. Then the teen boy speaks. "We grew up hunting humans for their blood. And we tasted animal blood--it isn't as...flavorful!" he spats. "Yes, I am picky and I can only drink human blood!" the young boy shouts. "What about the winter when most animals aren't here? Are you gonna have to make a giant storage room? Or make us hibernate?" the teen girl yells. "The humans are always having young and never run out!" the old woman puts her say in. Then it goes silent.
"Um...Your Grace," they stammer. "Just call me...whatever." I say, dismissively. "I understand you are all used to the HeadMaster's cruel leadership," I say slowly, carefully choosing my words.
"But this world is mystical." saying that reminds me of Kuroji and I lose my train of thought for a moment.
"...Um, the humans are the target of many creatures. Why risk endangering them when there's another way? Besides--do you know what humans are?" I ask them. They look confused. "They're...humans." the old woman says. "They are vampires without fangs!" I shout. They quiet down, seeing the spark of anger and authority in my eyes.
"Do you understand now?" I ask, calming back down. They quickly nod. "Now, I appreciate you coming in to tell me your thoughts. Share this with your family." I say, sending my guards to fetch them each a bucket of animal blood. "And yes...there will be more than enough animal blood to last us for winter. And let me remind don't have to kill the animals, either, since they won't run off and tell of our existence when we're done!" They look surprised and walk out. I sigh. How will I handle all of this pressure...?

"Nobara!" I hear. I open my eyes and realize I fell asleep in my throne.
Wow, I'm such a great HeadMistress.
I look and expect to see Kuroji, but instead I see Katoro.
"We need to talk!" she shouts angrily. "What do we have to talk about? How you went against Kuroji's orders and left people to die? Or how you're trying to take him away from me...!?"
I yell, then resume my calm HeadMistress attitude.
She pauses. "I am not going to live here alone, doing what you say!" she says. "Then you are welcome to leave. Unless you do your part as a citizen, you are not allowed back." I say.
"B-But aren't you worried Kuroji will miss me...?" she says.
"No. Do you know why...? Because he doesn't want you with him anymore! He's made that very clear." I say, trying to keep calm. She blinks her eyes as they start to water, and storms out. I suppose that's the last time I'll be seeing her...
"Mistress!" I hear my guards call. "Yes?" I reply. "The crowds of people are returning to their houses. I think they're warming up to you." he says. "Oh! Well...that'!" I say, trying to sound mature. He bows and walks away.
Now what do I do? Sit in this throne and fall asleep again?
I can't stop thinking about Kuroji, that's for sure. I wonder when he'll talk about what happened?
And I wonder what he'll say...?
So...he loves me.
But do I love him...?
"Siblings" or not?

Soon it's nightfall and Kuroji still hasn't returned. I sulkily climb into my bed, which was the HeadMaster's bed, and fall asleep.
In the middle of the night, I turn and see Kuroji laying on top of the covers again.

"Good morning," he says, standing up and shaking me. I yawn.
"When did you get here...?" I say. Then I remember last night.
A chill goes up my spine.
"You want" he says.
"Here? Right now? In PJ's?" I say.
"Y'know what? I'm gonna get changed." he mutters running off.
I laugh.
I stand up and brush my hair. I slip on my plain, slightly tattered, black dress that I always wear. I walk to the dining room. Guards present me with eggs, toast, oatmeal, tea(with a few drops of blood), and muffins. All I end up eating is a muffin, some oatmeal, and a few sips of tea. As I sip my tea, Kuroji walks in and sits down next to me.

"So...let's talk."

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