Chapter Fourteen- It's a Girl

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I arrive quickly at the HeadMaster's palace, ready to cut to the chase. "It's time for you to bring my dinner." he says. "A.K.A., time for me to hurt an innocent person and bring you it's blood?" I say, madly rolling my eyes. "Yes, but that's the thing...I have a craving for a more...specific blood type today." he says laughing. What? What does he mean? "Well, there's a girl about Kuroji's age that I want. She even resides in an orphanage." he chuckles. "You know this is a weak spot for me, don't you!" I shout at him. "You think so? Oh, darn! I just don't know how you picked up on that one," he says sarcastically. "I can't do this. And you can't make me!" I yell, inching closer. I scream, surprised, when the HeadMaster suddenly appears right in front of me. He is at least twice my size. His glare is menacing and it makes me tremble when I see his long, sharp fangs blare out. "No more nice. I'm not letting you kick me next time," he spats. Blood from his fangs splatters onto my torn black clothes. "You will obey," he finishes. His eyes suddenly glow red. That's enough to make me shakily fall to my knees in genuine fright. And I could've sworn I saw fire in his pupils. And for just a moment, his whole body glows red.
This man is dangerous.
He's not just a joke...
And he won't let me get away again.
"Y-Yes..." my shaky voice emits.
I get out of there as soon as possible. I am afraid of him...and there is something about his eyes...almost a hidden darkness. He does look about my height when he sits in his throne chair, with his long cloak covering his true height. She's Katoro. At Fairway Orphanage, the HeadMaster says in my mind. I don't reply. I silently head there. I keep reminding's not's at a different orphanage...
I arrive near the orphanage as the HeadMaster occasionally gives me directions. I start wondering how I'm going to do this. I've got to do it stealthily. So I go to a store nearby labeled as a clothing shop. I almost run into a couple people, and after that, I start hiding behind trees, bushes, and lurking behind the various shops by the clothing one. I eventually get inside it unnoticed. I realize I have 20 dollars in my right pocket. How do I still have that...? I decide not to shop-lift, and I buy a blue shirt, a cap, and some cheap skinny jeans. I go to the bathroom to wash up. I pay them and then get outta there.
I walk up to the orphanage and take a deep breath before knocking. I'm waiting nervously, when the door finally opens. "Um, hello?" a brunette says, looking like she's in her mid-thirties. "Can I see Katoro?" I ask, careful to hide my fangs, and trying to act nonchalant. "Um, yes, I suppose! Are you a friend of hers or something?" she says, seeing clearly I'm not of age to want a kid. "Uh, yeah..." I stutter. "She told me she'd be here if I ever wanted to visit," "Okay, you have 5 minutes before her chore time. Her room is number 11, right down this hall here," she says, smiling, and letting me in. I walk through the hall, and take some time to prepare myself. I stare at the chipped-blue door, and hesitantly, knock. "What is it?" she says on the other side of the door. "It's a friend." I say. "What're you--" before she can finish her sentence, I break the door open by force and lunge at her. We both fall through the window and I lay on my back for a second. Blood is in my eyes, but it's too late to look back. I wipe my face and heave myself up. Katoro is struggling to get up, and probably trying to process what just happened. But instead of staying in shocked silence as she looks at her wounds, she spats insults, stumbles up, and tries to wipe the blood off of her pant pockets. "What the heck, you maniac!?" and "Back off!" I lunge yet again and finally get a grip on her to swiftly carry her away, back into the forest. I cover my tracks in case blood drips. I don't want to lead anyone to the vampire village...

Now, using my arm strength, I hold her in a neck-lock while carrying her along. When I feel her struggling start to calm a bit, I let go, knowing that she is oblivious to what forest we are in, or where we are at. "Who are you!?" she gasps. "I'm Nobara. Nice to meet you. Now I truly regret it, but this is my job." I see cuts along her back and arms and there is blood that is sticking to her dark brown hair. I narrow my eyes on her as I examine. She has blue eyes, but something seems familiar...                        "No, I'm not! And you're gonna tell me who you are!" she spats, turning pale, eyes blazing with fury nevertheless. "I'm a vampire, though I wasn't always one. I work for the HeadMaster, my best friend is a vampire too, my mom's name was Hebi...and we live in a village called the Hidden Valley. Anything else you need to know before I drain your blood?" I say, rolling my eyes sarcastically and trying to seem strong though I know the draining will kill me. I hate harming humans...                                             She looks scared, confused, and lightheaded. But then she stands up straight. "...Hmm...Well, then, won't take me without a fight!" she says, unexpectedly pulling out a large glass shard from her pocket. Smart...she must have taken one and snuck it in right after we fell out of the window. I step back. She throws three of them and I just manage to dodge them with vampire speed. "If you won't give up on land, then maybe you prefer flying!" I spat. I groan as I bend over to crack my back and force my wings to slowly fold out. The wings are the size of my whole body. This should do. I take a deep breath and look up, sweating, but grinning as I show my fangs on purpose. She looks extremely frightened. I feel my vampire instincts kick in and almost want to laugh at her expression, though I try to remind myself that I can't enjoy draining her.                                                                                       I float above the ground easily, and sweep her into the air. Within seconds, I am slicing through the clouds in the sky. I'm not exactly used to these heights...I gulp and lower a tiny bit. "Put me down! Put me down!" she screams. I know I'm over the Hidden Valley, when I see a heavy copse of trees, storm clouds hovering over it--like usual. In the vampire village, it's almost always dark and rainy. And even when it's not dark and cloudy, the tall trees shade us. I actually don't really know if vampires get hurt by the sun. Apparently, I have accustomed better to sunlight since I used to be human. But a lot of times when vampires come back from being in the sun all day, they look weak and tired, and sometimes even burned. I lower myself just outside of the HeadMaster's castle gates. Katoro let's out a gasp like she was holding her breath that whole time...and maybe she was. She's so shaky, I easily pick her up and hold her tightly. But before I go in, I hear "Hey!" I turn around to see Kuroji. "Nobara! I feel better. So..." he fades out when he sees me holding this bleeding girl. I'm still not used to Kuroji's skin being so pale, having blood-red eyes, and fangs. But when he stares at her, he turns even paler. That's when I wipe the casual look off of my face and look a bit guilty. And then I notice how unrecognizable the girl is now with the blood sticking her hair to her face. Kuroji must remember that he's probably going to have to do this soon. "" he mumbles. "I could use some rope." I reply. He runs off. But he's not used to the vampire speed, so he stumbles and falls. I can't help but giggle when he sits up and cautiously jogs, rubbing his head. While I wait, I sigh. It disgusts me that I enjoyed hunting her at one point. Must be more of the HeadMaster's DNA kicking in...                    He eventually comes back with some rope that I remember being hung up in our bathroom, and I tie her hands to her feet. Then I turn and face Kuroji. "I need to check your temp." I say, placing my hand on his head. "'re a bit better..." I mumble. "Vampires heal quickly." I think aloud. "I...I suppose I'll have to get used to...this?" he mutters. "Yeah..." I stutter. "I'm sorry Kuroji, I--" "No, it was my choice. There's no turning back," he finishes, nodding, trying to look confident. I nod, though I can tell he is still uneasy about all this, and give him a comforting side hug. Katoro groans from behind, waking up. "What...? Hey, lemme go...!" she croaks. "I hope you don't mind blood-drainage, 'cause that's exactly where you're going!" I say, getting frustrated. She's making it harder on me! I already don't like doing this. "...I will always have your back, Nobara." Kuroji starts, picking up Katoro. "...Even if it involves picking up a girl tied in ropes," he says, grinning, but having a regretful look in his eyes. I mouth the words, "Thank you!", and we walk to the gates. "Business?" the guard asks. "HeadMaster's dinner." I mumble. The gates open and we step inside. 

After walking down various halls, we arrive at the HeadMaster's huge doors. Kuroji and I set down the girl to push it open. We pick Katoro back up and walk in, side by side. "So you've finally arrived." he says, clapping. Kuroji rolls his eyes, but I remember the fire in the HeadMaster's crimson eyes, and shiver. Quickly, I lay the girl down at his feet and bow respectfully. The HeadMaster pretends to be surprised at first, but then laughs. "I'll have Kuroji drain it. I need to see if he'll be fun to tease!" he laughs. Kuroji gulps. I could see him staring at me questioningly when I showed such respect, but now he looks scared as well. He glances at me for just a second with pleading eyes, but then steps forward. I would object, but...something inside me won't let me...something gnawing at my stomach. Fear...? Fear of the HeadMaster?
Kuroji bends down, unties her ropes, and slowly brings his fangs to her neck. But right before his fangs pierce her pale skin, Katoro gasps. Kuroji looks stunned as she grabs his face and squints her eyes at him. Then she strangely peers into his. She places her hand over her mouth and shouts.

"...Kuroji!? It's me, Katoro!"

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