Chapter Sixteen- Recruiting

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"I don't know guys, I think this is a little nuts." Katoro sighs within her cell. "I know. But to be honest, I've wanted to take down the HeadMaster for a long time, and...this could be our best...and only...shot at doing it." I say. "And we haven't officially decided yet...We'll decide when we see the quantity of the vampires that don't like the HeadMaster. I'm not rushing into this when we don't stand a chance! Because I don't even know if the Army we're building up could take down the HeadMaster..." I sigh. A shiver runs down my back as I remember the HeadMaster's little tantrum he had with me. "Well, it's the best option we have right now, right?" Kuroji encourages, patting my back. "Right. I started to do the right thing. I even helped a girl get away from the HeadMaster. But when you came, and got turned, I went back to a vampire." I sigh. "I don't feel like a vampire on the inside. And I think this will help me make up for it." Katoro nods, and Kuroji looks awkwardly at the floor. A look of guilt flashes across his face. I realize it probably sounded like I was blaming him for me going back to hurting humans. But before I have a chance to awkwardly explain myself, the moment is over and Katoro speaks.
"But what if this turns into a war? Vampires versus Humans and Good Vampires or something?" Katoro asks, rolling her eyes. She has a point, this could very well turn into a big war. But the HeadMaster's side is already killing off the human side. It is time for the Uprising to fight back. But what will happen when it is over? Will the good vampires get imprisoned by the humans anyway? They are scared of what they can't control..."I know, Katoro. You're right. But I will risk a war if it means the end of the killing and turning and draining of your kind." I say. "Alright. Then that's that. Let's go recruit." she says, shrugging. "Well, two of us..." Kuroji nods, pointing to the bars of the cell Katoro is stuck behind. "Right..." Katoro sighs, sitting back down. "Let's go!" I pull Kuroji's arm and we take off down the dirt road.

"Where do we look?" Kuroji asks. "Everywhere. Every cabin, every corner. We need everyone we can get if we want to stand a chance against the HeadMaster." I say. "Joshua and Sarah are working on the human recruits." "But what about the vampires who refuse? They might tattle to the HeadMaster." Kuroji says. I'm glad he points this out. I would've totally forgotten! "Actually, I don't know. Maybe we can just ask whether or not they like the HeadMaster? And if they convince us that they don't, we can suggest the Uprising." I suggest. "And what if they tell even though it is just in innocent conversation? The HeadMaster may be suspicious that we keep asking people whether they like him or not, even if it is casual." Kuroji prods, walking towards the first cabin. "Well," I start. "I'll just have to deal with those."

I collapse onto the cold, hard ground, placing my hands over my eyes and sighing in frustration. "The moon is going down," Kuroji states, pointing towards the sunrise in the distance, east of us. "And not one vampire was brave enough to speak their opinion! They all spoke the same answer; The HeadMaster is our rightful ruler. We shouldn't be talking like this." I spat. "Some of them looked like they were lying when they said that, though..." Kuroji says. "Yes, but those vampires would be way too scared to go to war if they can't even speak their opinion!" I hiss. "Calm down, I'm sure the Uprising will be understanding. And they probably have a whole group full of nerds that believe in vampires ready to fight! And at least none of the vampires looked like they would tell," Kuroji encourages yet again. I take a deep breath and try to believe him. "Yeah. You're right." I say, sitting up. "Let's go and find out."

"Uh, Sarah? Joshua?" I yell.
"We're back!" Kuroji yells. It is very quiet. "Ugh, we don't have all--" I'm cut off by the sight of a light at the end of the tunnel moving towards us. Literally. "We're here!" we hear them call.                                                                                                                          
"Any luck?" I ask, once we're all seated in wooden chairs near their vampire cells they showed me earlier. It's kind of awkward to think that this morning I sat in this same chair, except held by restraints. "Yup! Turns out all of the people in our little vampire clique were all in with this whole catching vampires thing." Sarah says.                                                                                                                              "And?" I ask, looking around. "Where are they?" "That's the thing...They kinda backed out when I mentioned a possible war..." Joshua mumbles. "What?" I yell, standing up. "So you're saying we have no one else in this 'army'?" "Well, no, you see...How many people did you recruit?" Joshua stutters. "None!" I yell. "Oh. Then yeah, this is a four-person army," he finishes. I am so angry, that I am speechless. I feel my cheeks glow hot red on my pale face. "Wait!" I hear someone say. We all turn towards the doorway that leads to the underground room we're in. Then, right there, like a package sent from heaven, is a group of about nine humans, along with guns, ammo, silver spears, and weird-looking grenades. There could be more, but I can't see them through the doorway. "Uh, who are you? And who is your leader?" Sarah asks, straightening up, acting like she wasn't just beginning to sulk. "I am," The voice comes from a man, in his mid-twenties. He walks out among the rest. "We are the EU-NH. And we heard your cry of help," he states. "How...? The only people we told were in our nerd--I mean, Uprising group." Joshua asks. "Let's just say, we have a..special way of communicating," he says, grinning. "Uh, what does EU-NH stand for?" Kuroji asks, curiously. "The Evil Un-Natural Hunters. We take down the evil parts of the fantasy realms so that humans can live peacefully," he says. "My name is King. King Eastern." Wait...does that mean there are other fantasy creatures out there besides vampires? "Well, if you are going to join us, Mister King, you have to understand the rules around here." Joshua says, crossing his arms. "Oh, really? And what is that?" King speaks, chuckling. "We are the leaders around here, Sarah and I. So...don't come in here and start ordering us around!" Joshua spats. "Oh, that's a pity...because, you see, I already had all these plans and formations written out all neat..." King sighs sarcastically. "Oh! We mean, uh, maybe we could use those..." Sarah stammers. "Oh goody." King rolls his eyes. I can see the EU-NH are professionals. They are each wearing tough, black, leather clothing and are armed with weapons and bags of supplies at the ready. Maybe they should take a bit of charge for now. Even if Joshua and Sarah did get recruits from their group for the Uprising, they probably had no fighting experience. "Show me and my troops to their bunkers. Then I'll speak with you two leaders about the war." King says, walking with Sarah and Joshua into a room. "How did you know we have bunkers?" I hear Joshua ask from a distance. "We have...certain ways of communicating," I hear King reply. Their troops follow them, and then they're gone. Kuroji and I stand there awkwardly in the now empty, dimly lit room. "Feeling sort of forgotten?" Kuroji finally says. "...Yeah." I reply. after a pause, he asks, "What now?" "Well, let's get back to the house. We've got to keep up the whole working-for-the-HeadMaster act." I say. "Why? We've joined the Uprising, right?" he asks. I grin as I reply.

"Because I assume, if they are smart, they'll make our first move a surprise attack."

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