Chapter Five- The Blonde Girl

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"What...? There's...there's gotta be a way we can fix this!" I yell.
"We...we will have to go back to the HeadMaster. We will have to go to the Hidden Valley where all known vampires live. All vampires besides rogue ones like us." Mom says, her voice unsteady.
She is visibly shaking.
And now, even though I know nothing about the HeadMaster, I am scared of him.
My mother never shudders like that.

Mom hires her maid to stay with Kuroji and get him his medicine since his orphanage won't pay for the continuous medication Kuroji will need these next couple of months.
She says if the maid is like a parent to him, she will double—even triple—her pay.
And then we're off.

It's around midnight now.
We've been walking and running on and off for hours, so Mom definitely did a good job moving far away from this Hidden Valley place.
Finally, Mom says, "We're here. Follow me, and stay close."
At first, I see nothing but some trees in front of me.
But when we get close enough, the invisible shield that was concealing it from view disappears and I see the village.
Mom takes a deep breath.
She leads me through an arch made of twisted vines, sticks, and roses that marks the entrance of the village.
We try to act casual, walking past the vampires. I get a sick feeling in my stomach seeing so many of them.
"Vampires don't run on human time," my mom whispers to me. "This is like lunch time to them."
Almost like on cue, my fangs reveal themselves and my eyes change change color, pupils changing shape.
"It's because of the scent of blood," Mom murmurs to me. "It's very concentrated here."
Mom then looks at me, concerned.
She places her hand on my shoulder and tries to snap me out of it.
But my eyes and fangs stay the same.
"Try not know...lose control. Like last time." she says.
The smell of human blood is everywhere.
Mom says certain vampires hunt whenever they need blood, and some store the blood they collect in jars.
My eyes widen in horror.
They actually sell bottles of human blood in stands! It's sick.
But no wonder my vampire senses are going crazy.
"Okay? You can control it, right?" she asks.
I'm definitely trying.
But what my mouth decides to speak is something different, something that surprises me. Something that's not me.
"But I need it. Kuroji's blood was not enough." I hiss.
I immediately cover my mouth with my hand.
Mom looks surprised.
Did I really just say that? How could I say something like that...?
"I know you didn't mean to say that." Mom sighs, as if reading my mind.
I open my mouth, but can't reply, my words caught in my throat.
"I...fear it may be too late." she says.
"I...I didn't know what I was saying," I finish. "I'm sorry, I just...I was just surprised."
"I'm just glad you're still you," Mom smiles. "Some vampires don't come back after saying something like that."
Before my vampiric instincts decide to speak without my consent again, I bite my tongue, and we walk on.

Mom looks more and more worried as we near whatever destination she's taking me to.
I'm running right behind my mother, and the journey across the whole village only takes a minute.
I'm starting to like this new vampire speed.
"Here we are," my mother mumbles, sweat beading on her forehead. "The Headmaster's quarters."
The HeadMaster's place looks like an ancient castle. Huge black gates protect it, two guards posted in front.
I hesitate, but my mother grabs my hand and speeds up to the gates.
"Who?" a guard asks.
"...Hebi." Mom says, clearing her throat.
"You...?" the guard asks in surprise.
He pauses.
"You may see the HeadMaster." the guard finishes.
Mom is trembling, even more than before.
We get lead through the gates and across the cobblestone path to the front doors.
After we pass through those, we go through some dark hallways until finally, we reach a giant door with rusting handles shaped sort of like the letter "H".
I suppose this is the door to the HeadMaster's throneroom.
"Whatever happens, know I love you and will always be here for you." Mom whispers, nodding as confidently as she can as the doors open and we walk inside.
I am scared now.
"Mom, what are you—?"
"Ah, ha! I see you've come. Finally, after all these years!" the HeadMaster interrupts, clapping.
He is sitting on this giant, golden throne.
He instantly gives me the creeps.
Removing the hood of his cloak, he reveals his whole face.
He looks very clean...and, at first, he looks like any other human.
But then I notice he is unnaturally pale and has piercing golden eyes, and sharp, sleek fangs. He has straight, long, pure-white hair, and a black, gold-trimmed cloak.
His mischievous grin and his abnormally thin pupils make me want to turn and run, and every once in a while, I can swear I see his eyes flash red.
He will not take his eyes off of me.
"You and I have a connection, my dear. I gifted you with your true self." he says to me.
"Is this vampire form what you mean by my true self? In that case...I would like to re-gift it, please," I say, glaring at him. "I am a human, not a monster like you."
"Ah, feisty aren't you? You should be proud of being a vampire. But let's get off this subject." he says.
His eyes never leave mine, even when he says this to his guards.
"Tie her up."
"No! Please, no!" Mom yells, trying to take hold of my hand.
They tie Mom up, and restrain her in a corner.
"Fine...just don't hurt her!" Mom yells, fighting back tears.
"Mom...!" I say, trying not to cry as well.
Now that I'm standing alone in the center of the HeadMaster's attention, the HeadMaster's gaze is even more terrifying.
"You came here hoping I would turn you back, yes?" he says to me. He leans forward. "Darling...I just want to bring out the true you. Be yourself!" he laughs, mimicking a school-girl or something.
"My true self is my human form." I reply defiantly.
"I thought you'd say that." he says, grinning.
Suddenly, a girl around my age with blonde hair and green eyes, gets dragged out.
She's screaming, tied up in ropes.
She is afraid.
"What...?" I stutter, confused.
The HeadMaster laughs.
One of the two guards holding onto her ropes cut her wrist.
Immediately, my mouth forms a grin and I find myself licking my lips.
"Fight the urge! Please...don't do it," Mom yells, then turns to the HeadMaster. "Don't make her do it!"
"We had a deal. Remember?" the HeadMaster says.
Mom stares down at the polished floor, looking defeated.
I can't stop myself. I take a step forward.
"Stop!" I shout aloud to myself.
I successfully make myself stop.
It is so hard, sweat is streaming down my face, and I'm shaking.
My body is convulsing. It's rejecting everything I'm trying to command it to do with all its might.
It hurts just as bad...maybe even worse...than it did when I first turned into a vampire.
I scream.
The HeadMaster looks surprised, like he didn't think I would be able to resist this long.
I must show him I am stronger than he thinks.
He laughs, and now I've fallen to the floor. I am digging my fingers into the marble, breaking my nails and causing them to bleed.
I yell again.
I am only inches away from the girl now.
"No! Please, don't hurt me...!" The girl yells, weak.
Last time when I lost control, I didn't know what was happening. Despite the bad thoughts that came into my mind, I fought them off with thoughts like, "Stop!" or "This isn't me!". The whole time, I was fighting to get control back.
But this time, it is like my whole being is under control.
I'm thinking, It smells so good! Do it!
I stand up and use the last of my energy to turn and sprint straight across the room to the other side, as far away from her as I can.
Tears stream down the girl's face and she smiles, relief showing up all over her face.
I shakily stand up.
My whole being, inside and out, is telling me to suck her blood.
Nevertheless, I stand my ground and point at the HeadMaster accusingly.
"I'm you...!" I gasp weakly, my eyes full of tears and rage.
"Oh, but you are. You are exactly like me," the headmaster hisses. "Or at will be."
It's as if that was my cue.
As if that was the trigger to my vampire self.
In that moment, any human part of me left is shoved to the side.
I let go, sprinting at light speed.
The girl screams. I stare right into her eyes as I drain her.
As her eyelids start to droop, she almost looks like she recognizes me somehow.
Do I know this girl from somewhere...?
But it's too late for thoughts like that now.
All I remember after that is sweetness, the HeadMaster's laughing, and the feeling of sick relief.

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