Chapter TwentyFive- Rosie

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I sit up and yawn. How long do I have to live? A month, two, maybe?
I don't know anymore--days seem to be slipping past me like grains of sand running through a clenched fist.
I smile when I see Kuroji sleeping beside me.
He went away with the EU-NH for a few months to help train them for their next mission as vampires. He must've gotten back last night.
That means when he wakes up he will see my round belly.
He will undoubtably know I am pregnant.
I get up but am surprised when my legs don't work and I fall over. it happening? Is this what death feels like?
I'm on the floor now. I manage to shakily look up at myself in the mirror before me. I am deathly pale and my eyes appear tired and bloodshot. I feel a sharp pain run up my legs. And then, as soon as it came, it was gone. I still look extremely pale, but I can at least stand. Though my legs are unsteady.
I walk to my throneroom and slouch in my throne. I hope I look better when Kuroji gets up.
Surprisingly, nothing really happens.
I get up and use the walls and tables to steady myself. I let myself fall back onto my side of the bed. I gasp as I do.
Every time I move or breathe it hurts.
Kuroji sits up and yawns.
I quickly close my eyes, pull the covers up to my forehead, and pretend to be asleep. "Hey, Rosy! It's 10 in the evening. You better get up on that throne. Sorry, I slept in." he says, shaking me. I try to hold in my pain.
It feels like someone is stabbing me in the torso when he shakes me.
I sit up and stretch, just so that he stops the shaking.
I try to wipe away the tears before he sees them, but no such luck.
His smile quickly turns into a frown.
"Hey, you okay?" he asks me, rubbing my back. But even that hurts me.
"I--I c-can't," I get out. Then I burst into tears as my vision fails me and I collapse, knowing that when I wake up, he will know I've been lying to him this whole time and I don't think my dying body can handle that.
I wake up in what looks like a hospital bed. But in a dark room.
I guess vampires were never too fond of light. "You okay, sweetie?" I hear Kuroji whisper. Sweetie? He's never called me that before.
I try to sit up, but slam back down. The force of pain is too powerful.
" I...?" I mumble. "You're at the hospital. You are...gonna have a baby soon." he mumbles. I can tell he is upset, and by the tone of his voice, confused.
I had told him I couldn't have kids.
That means...he must know there is something else going on.
Luckily, to break the awkward silence, the medical vampire comes in.
"Vampires have a faster birthing process than humans. But it is just as painful," he states.
All of a sudden, a huge, sharp, stabbing pain overwhelms my stomach area. It doesn't stop, though.
It is continuous pressure, and I can't breathe.
"Are you ready to push?" the medical vampire asks me.
"Yes!" I reply, a determined look on my face. Kuroji gulps and holds my hand. He looks so sad and confused...
The pain strikes again.
Here we go, baby.
I scream as I push with all my might.
How is this happening? I still feel like a teenager inside.
"Pull through," Kuroji cheers me on. "You can do this!"
I squeeze his hand as hard as possible.
I scream in agony. "It's coming out!" the medical doctor assures me.
I make one last aching attempt at pushing and black out.
I open my eyes. At first, everything is blurry.
"You're okay, it's done."
Kuroji whispers to me. His warm breath forces me to remember the present event. I quickly sit up and worry when I don't hear a baby's cry.
But Kuroji hands it to me.
It lays there, quietly, gazing at me with big, red eyes.
I cry when it's tiny hands grasp mine.
But this time, they are tears of joy. Kuroji gazes at it longingly, then closes his eyes, turns around, and suddenly bursts out of the room.
He probably hates me now.
"What shall I name you?" I sigh as I look at it. I look down and see that it is a girl. I smile.
I hug her, then hand her to the medical vampire to cut the umbilical cord. Then I run out after Kuroji.
"...Kuroji...wait..." I gasp, stumbling after him down a hall, though I can barely keep my eyes open.
He stops and turns around.
"Nobara, I need an" he mumbles, angry and astonished.
"I am so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen..." I mumble, grabbing his arm. "First you tell me you can't have children. Now I have a daughter. Why did you lie to me? And if that wasn't the matter...what is really wrong with you?" he asks. I pause. "Come on, Nobara, spit it out! I thought I could trust you..." he glares. This is the first time he's ever gotten mad at me.
"You see, I'm dying." I reply, smiling.
He stands there, frozen in shock and unbelief. Then my legs give way and I let him catch me. I close my eyes. As he carries me at top speed into the hospital room, I say as loudly as I can, "Kuroji, I do love can trust m..." Everything is a blur as he runs me through the hallway and into the room.
"Here we are again," he mumbles. But this time, I hear sadness in his voice. "I only wish I could see your daughter," he cries.
Now the HeadMaster's words make sense.
Suddenly he bites my neck and injects venom that stings like heck.
The HeadMaster poisoned me that night.
I get tossed onto the bed and the medical vampire hands my baby to Kuroji. I feel sharp jabs in my arms, and liquid runs through a tube into my body. I feel numb.
I look up at Kuroji and smile.
He holds my hand.
"I love you," he says. I see a tear fall down his cheek at the same time a tear falls down mine.
"I love you too," I reply.
"What should we name her?" he asks me.
"You choose," I gasp, still mustering a smile.
"I have an idea," he laughs.
"How about Rosie?"
"Yes, it's perfect." I giggle. Kuroji makes me laugh even while I lay in my death-bed.
Rosie, I think, before closing my eyes.
"Nobara, please...don't go..." I hear Kuroji say. "Nobara," I hear him repeat.
And then I'm gone.

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