Chapter Thirteen- Nothing left to Lose

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I wake up in an old barn on hay, and it's raining outside. I almost close my eyes again, but I notice the girl my age beside me, tangling in her ropes, and I remember last night. I must've fallen asleep here after running so fast and far. Oh, yes...I cut the ropes off of the girl to separate her from the rest, but I didn't cut the ropes that tied her wrists together. I feel bad. She looks scared, confused, and hurt. Her wrists are are bruised and bleeding from struggling. And she's frantically trying to escape. I quietly creep next to her and ask, "Need a knife?" She jumps, and stares at me with large, scared eyes. She finally stutters, "P-please d-don't hurt m--" "I won't." I cut-in. I smile as sweetly as I can, but close my mouth when I realize I'm showing my fangs, and cut her ropes with the HeadMaster's knife that I find beside me on a plank of wood. I wonder where we are...
The girl rubs her wrists and smiles, gasping a little. But then she backs away, and we look at each other and the floor awkwardly for 10 minutes straight. I can tell she's still not sure what happened and if I'm on her side. But she's not trying to run away, saying as how she saw how fast I was running before. Finally, I say, "My name is Nobara." A few seconds pass. "What's yours?" I speak again, all friendly-like. "Autumn." she says, a bit under breath. "Nice name." I say. It gets silent and before it gets weird again, I notice the bright sunrise. It looks beautiful, especially with rain drops sparkling in the rays of light. "I'm here to help...okay?" I say. She slowly nods her head. I wonder why the HeadMaster hasn't found me or spoken to me through my mind yet. And I cannot stop thinking about that little boy. I sigh. Then, Autumn breaks the silence. "What...was that...back...there!?" she asks, shuddering at the supernatural things she saw. I freaked out as well when I found out vampires were real. Y'know, when I saw that I was one. "Let's just say, I don't like hurting humans that remind me of m--" I start. "...Like my friend...Kuroji." She just nods. "What's it like...being a vampire?" she asks, curious. "'s way more painful than whatever death feels when you get bit--it basically is dying. Especially when you get bit and turned." I say. I don't want to tell her life is sweet. It could be for other vampires, but not for me. And I don't want her to start wanting to be a vampire. "Vampires run fast, thirst for blood...and they usually can turn into something, like I can have bat wings." I say. I almost forgot. That would've been helpful last night. Although, looking back...the bat wings were so freaking painful..."Thank you so much for getting me out of there...I still would've picked being a vampire over a vamp killing me, but I was still scared to death..." Autumn says. I just nod. "Well...should I take you home?" I ask. Autumn says, "I don't know. This has scarred me for life and I'd look crazy if I slipped and told someone. But--" "You can't slip." I say. "If humans find out where vampires live, then the vampires will lash back and--" "Don't worry! They blindfolded me when they brought me to be turned." Autumn finishes. "Oh...okay." I say. I see the sun's almost fully up, and the rain is only sprinkling now. "I need to find out where we are..." I say, looking around the barn. After searching for 10 minutes through bundles of hay for a sign, I find a slip of crinkled paper that says, "Fresh Alabama Peanuts- Half off at Joahn's Gas Station" that must've blown in here somehow. Does that mean we're in Alabama? I ran all the way to Alabama!? That is extremely far from where I live. I drop the paper and look to Autumn. "Um, do you perhaps live anywhere near Alabama...? 'Cause that's where we're at." I say. "No...Wait, we're in Alabama?" she asks, wide-eyed. "I don't think I should take you back yet...your house is probably too close to the vampire village. But once it's been a while, I'll assume the HeadMaster is close. So I'll take you back." I say. "...The HeadMaster...?" she says. "Let's just say the HeadMaster is a really bad guy." I say, rolling my eyes. "But, what about you? They're probably mad at you...what will they do to you?" she says. I gulp. "Probably kill me..." I say. She looks sad, like she wants to help me since I helped her. Suddenly, I remember Kuroji! When they find him, they'll kill him, if I die! He'll be of no use to them. And I still need to find him! But I can't go back with her...maybe I can...I can leave her won't know what to do...ugh! "Autumn, change of plans. I take you home now." I say. Autumn starts, "But won't they find us like you sa--" "No, I'll lead them away, distract them if they get too close. Trust me. Let's go!" I say. She looks doubtful. "You're safe with me." I say, helping her off of her knees. "C'mon. Now where exactly do you live?" I ask. "Greenwood Lane, 4300010 North Street." she says. "Okay, I should get you there soon enough...I think that area is about a mile away from the Hidden Valley." I say. "O-Okay..." she says. "Hold on tight!" I say, carrying her bridal-style. Then I run as fast as I can. I need to find Kuroji.

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