But your my student Part 5

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Kartik and Naira were lost in the kiss, they had been kissing passionately in the music room for the last 10 minutes. Her hands were roaming around his nape and hair and his were caressing her shoulders and legs, he gently laid her on long table, breaking the kiss, he caressed her hair lovingly. Naira looked at his gorgeous smile she was awestruck by what a cutie he is.

He gently leaned over her, but they couldn't get comfortable. "Uggh this is so uncom- she trailed off feeling his mouth give her kisses on the side of her neck. Kartik has obviously forgotten that he is still at school and still her teacher!

"Where is Naira she went to help sir find a red pen" said Valerie. "Yes but leave that for now we have a venue issue she is going to go mad so..who is going to tell her?" Said Shreya "I vote Sunny" said Bhavna.


"Baby the shirt not right now not here" he held her hand. "You don't want me to open it and touch you everywhere?" He pecked her lips "was that a rethorical question?" He asked tapping her thighs then held her hands and sat her up. "Of course I want that" he said adjusting her hair "good" she responded buttoning up the 3 buttons again. He ran his fingers through his dishevelled hair.. she hopped off the table. "Here I'll do it" she took the comb from him and started combing it upwards. He smiled at her cute actions "what wouldn't" he said holding her waist. "I do to you if we weren't alone" her heart started racing at his words.

She placed the comb in his pocket."What wouldn't you do?" He cupped her cheek "I'd do everything" he whispered in her ear. Her jaw dropped the next thing she grabbed his face angled it and started kissing him, he held her around her skirt,they were not able to breathe without kissing at the moment.

5 minutes passed..

"Right we may as well go home if she..

"Hi guys sorry something um came up so.. back to the decoration you both are in charge and "Sunny you.. Naira saw everyone's faces and noticed something was up. 'Why are they all looking at me like that Oh shit is it my lipstick..no that was reapplied by Kartik before we left the room separately' she tried not to smile at the thought of what happened a few minutes back those lovely kisses those intimate touches. "So I'll just cut to the point we don't have a venue for the school,dance they double booked..said Shreya.

"Hmm oh that is an issue but we will sort it" she smiled everyone exchanged looks amongst each other. "Right now i think we should wrap up the meeting and go home" she said to them which shocked them all.

"Naira the dance is this week and we have no venue!" Said Shreya. "We do the school gym its huge so don't worry" she said happily taking her things.

"Wait I said that but you were dead against it" Naira sighed "Valerie it's a school dance the gym is the best fit" she said, everyone agreed with their plan and left the room, Naira locked the art room and put the keys in the staff room. Kartik was standing against the wall sipping a coffee "hey yo..sir" she said placing the keys on the hook and saw there were two staff members sitting at the table.

"Naira" he said casually. "Oh Naira how are the dance preps going?" Asked Mrs Summers. "We are moving it to the gym now" she reverted. "Kartik" Mrs Clinton entered the room "yes ma'am" he said and Naira left from there but stood outside to listen.

"So Kartik is going to be one of the chaperones at the dance" she smiled untill she heard the next part "Kartik you can be with Miss Summers" her face scrutched up "Kartik you better refuse it! With her no ways!" Her jealousy kicked in.

"Yeah ok ma'am sure" she shook her head hearing this and left from there. The next day their was a commotion near the lockers. "What's all that noise?" Kartik came out of his class and saw Naira.

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