Do Dil Mil Rahe Hai 3

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"You look very beautiful when you're angry" he said Naira turned away, her cheeks blushed.

"Okay no more silly comments you dance and i'll play" said Kartik

"Hi, is Kartik here?"

Naira turned seeing a person at the door she did not recognise the them.

"Radz?" Kartik chuckled "hey bro" he said and they hugged. "Your here.. he said talking with her.

"You sound surprised where is Meerz" she asked.

"Sorry, was i disturbing?" Said Radz

"Yes" said Naira

"No" said Kartik

"Radhika meet Naira, my assignment partner Naira meet Radz my friend" Naira nodded.

"Hi Radz" she said

"Nice meeting you" Radz said then linked her arm through Kartik's "bro come sit" he said.

Naira was feeling weird seeing Kartik like this with another girl.

"Naira ready?" He said taking the flute out.

"He is really good at playing" said Radz

"Yeah i am aware,actually i can't do this right now," Naira replied.

"Radz you go dude your making her nervous" he said

"No its not you its me..i am not ready for a big audience yet"

Radz got up and so did Kartik

"I'll go, we will catch up later?" She asked him

"We can go a quick coffee if your free" he suggested

"Yes bro" he walked her to the door "you go i'll just come" he said.

Naira went over to the bench and put  her payal in her bag then stood straight as she did she felt a warmth feeling behind her.

"You have nothing to worry about" he squeezed her waist "she is just a friend" he said in her ear.

Naira turned to him and their eyes met briefly "We will do this again give me 20" he said then walked out before she had a chance to answer.

'I know she is just his friend but i am the Radha to his Krishna'

"Oh god what am I thinking!" She took her stuff and left the room. 

A half an hour passed

"Here you are" He said seeing her in the library.

"We have a test next week," she said then turned the page of her book.

"Naira the practical is 95% of the module and we haven't even got the 1st dance sorted" he said

Naira nodded "ok fine lets go" she said.

They left and came to the 1st floor "Naira not the dance room. I have a better idea" he said to her. 

You go get changed then come to my room" he told to her.

Naira went and got changed in Meera's dorm room as she wasn't there at the moment.

"I thought you forgot.." he trailed off seeing her. She was wearing a sari, some light make up and pink lipstick and her hair was open.

"No i thought that.." she said, fumbling with her words.

"Don't worry lets go" he said, Naira nodded to him then her and Kartik left his room. He walked with her..

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