Chapter 9: Resurgence

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With the help of <Gabriel> Miku Managed to recover her Idol carrer. This time though she doesn't trust any men anymore. If she even comes close to facing one or if one applies to be her manager she just stares angrily and walks out.

This has also begun to raise concerns with Y/n. Since she spots Miku entering and exiting the mansion with a random girl she didnt know. At night he would hear moans comming from her room but when she goes to investigate. Miku catches her and orders her to forget the memory of the girl and that night. Often times Miku would command her sister to have some "fun" with both her and the girl she has in her room

Now we see our protagonist laying on her bed about to go to sleep. She finished the paperwork about the family business and is super tired.

Y/n: Another day done. I wonder how mom and dad used to do all those paperworks fast and easily....

Y/n thought to herself but she still has a feeling somebody is watching her from afar.

Unknown to her she. There was, and that figure is standing on a tree just outside the house. She wore a Red and black gothic lolita dress, her eyes looking protectively at the room where she is laying down in. Just as Y/n is about to look outside there was nobody on the tree. Y/n thought she was just imagining things and snuggles to bed.

Come the next day and Y/n and Miku are eating breakfast. Y/n notices that Miku has been acting all exited and she goes in to break the silence.

Y/n: You look excited today. Whats the occasion?

Miku excitedly speaks up and
Miku: I signed with a new Idol agency!! And my debut us today!

Y/n: Oh!! Congratulations Miku-nee chan!

Miku: You know you should i attend it it is your older sister's debut!

Y/n: Sigh... Im sorry miku but i have a meeting with our contractors. Sorry I can't attend your debut.

Miku sighs and goes over to ask their numbers using <Gabriel> she managed to get their contacts out of Y/n and proceeds to call them

Contractor: Hello miss Izayoi? What is it you need from me? Our meeting is still scheduled for later.

Miku: What do you mean? There isn't a meeting later

The person on the other line starts acting hypnotized and answers back in a robot like tone.

Contractor: Yes....there is no meeting later.....

Miku: Good..

Miku then hangs up and stares at her sister. Soon Y/n's phone starts ringing

Y/n: Hello? Mr Mason is there anything you need?

Mr Mason: I just called to say we're cancelling the meeting

Y/n: Oh did something happen?

Mr Mason: Yes there has been a emergency that i have to address

Y/n: Okay as you say then

Y/n then ends the call and turns to approach Miku.

Y/n: Good news the meeting was cancelled. I'll be able to see your debut Miku nee-chan

Miku: Splendid! We'll leave in 3 hours. I have to get ready!

3 hours pass, Y/n and Miku are now at the venue Miku will be doing her debut.

Miku: well! Here we are!!

Y/n: This place looks expensive. You must be really happy you're gonna sing in a place like this.

Miku: Yep and i have my cute little sister here to cheer me on

Y/n: It weird that you call me little even tho im a inch taller than you.

At this point Y/n is 17 years old but she looks like shes 25 due to reasons i would explain later in the story.

Miku and Y/n was chatting when a familiar voice called out to them.

Aiko: Hey you two!!

Y/n and Miku turns towards the two sisters waving at them as the two approached them.

Aiko: Miku I cant wait to hear you sing! We finally helped you get back to fame!

Ochiyo: Yeah! Also your little sister invited us to the VIP seats so i couldn't decline the most luxurious seat in the house.

Y/n: your very welcome. Well... Let get inside while miku prepares for her debut.

Miku then separates from the group to head to the backstage. Y/n Aiko and Ochiyo reached the VIP room which is situated at the top of the crowd. The room is decorated elegantly with red and gol trimmings, the seats are warmed and bevrages served by a maid.

Ochiyo: When you said we'll be watching from the VIP seats I knew it would be luxurious.... But not this luxurious

Aiko: I have to agree with my older sister. All of this looks super expensive.

Y/n: C'mon guys show is about to start. Lets get seated.

The trio seated near a glass window where the stage would be seen. Hundreads of people are currently sitting waiting for the show.


Everyone cheered. The LED doors open to reveal Miku walking to the front of the stage where she whispers something.

Miku: Gabriel. Rondo...

Miku: Thank you for comming everyone!!! Now lets not hold it up any longer!! Music please!!

On cue the music begins.

As the music hits its end with a silence then after the quick moment of silence everyone starts clapping and cheering.

Miku: Thank you so much everyone!!! Especially you little sister!!!

Everyone starts looking and cheering at the VIP seat where Y/n is currently situated. A faint blush appears on her cheek.

Y/n: Sigh.... Miku nee chan.... You didn't have to embarrass me...

Aiko: I wish a certain older sister is like that....

Ochiyo: Oh shut up!!

Everyone then gathers up to miku's cover signing. Alot of people attened including a certain red eyed little sister. As everyone starts packing up their things Miku then comes back out of the backstage and meets her sister inside the car.

Y/n: Well im guessing that debut was a success

Y/n scoffs and miku enters the car

Miku: Yep!! Everything went smoothly! Im so happy!

Y/n: As long as you are i am too onee chan...

Miku then stops and leans over to the driver's seat where Y/n is sitting.

Miku: Oohhh thats new!!

Y/n: What is?

Miku: Thats the first time you referred to me as Onee chan!

Y/n: W-what? I didnt say anything

Miku: surrreeee little sister. Cmon lets get home. I bet Arthur and the maids prepared something delicious.

Y/n: Okay okay starting it now.

Y/n starts the engine as the drive away from the place where Miku did her debut. Although miku kept bickering about calling her oner-chan her while driving. Y/n didn't mind as long as Miku was happy.

(Allllright I'll do a 1 year timeskip next chapter which means TADA were now at the events Date a Live season 1. But as you all know Miku appears in season 2 so just a bit more waiting my readers. HOPE Y'ALL ENJOYED AND THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 1K READS IS SO AMAZING YOU GUYS ENJOYED MY LITTLE STORY. AS ALWAYS HAVE AN AWSOME DAY!!!!)

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