OVA 2: My sister is a pilot?

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(well since this is about planes time for a overdrive of ace combat references also this is non cannon)

We see Miku and Kurumi eating inside the dining room both we're glearing at each other.

The two then spots Y/n in an unusual get up. She looked like a airman who is about to go to a air base.

Miku: What's with the get up little sister?

Kurumi: Yeah whats with the clothes.

Y/n: This? Oh im paying a visit to the nearby air base possibly trying out the planes stationed there.

Kurumi: You're a pilot?

Miku: Can we come with?

Y/n:Yeah that was included in my training with the military and I dont know, civilians aren't really permitted to enter the base.

Kurumi: Sigh..... Really wanted to see you in a jet.

Y/n: If it makes you feel any better I'll do a highspeed flyover the mansion. Just look out for a plane with blue wingtips that's me.

Miku: Alright have fun little sister

Y/n: Oh yeah and try not to anger one another. Last time that happened you teo almost turned the mansion into rubble

Kurumi: Hehe~ it was her fault

Miku: You knew that orange juice was mine!

Y/n: Anyways I'll be leaving now

Miku: Good luck little sister

Kurumi: Good luck imouto

Y/n nonned and proceeds to exit the mansion. She got in her car an dtstarted teh engine, she then drove off to the air base where she will do some test flights with her designated plane.

She stops infront of a building and gets in it. Inside she meets some of the people she met from training. Two of such persons were William Morgan TAC name Trigger and Natsuro Argenti TAC name Blaze. Y/n's TAC name during her time in the military was Cipher

Trigger: Oh hey Cipher long time no see.

Blaze: Yeah Trigger here was worried as hell.

Y/n: Hey you two hope training is going well as usual.

Trigger: Yeah I cant believe they're training up to dogfight spirits. Its insane

Y/n: Yeah but we're the top of our classes so we dont really have a choice.

Trigger: whats with the clock eye?

Y/n: just a decorative eye contacts.

Trigger: You and your weird style choices worry me sometimes

Y/n: Hey! My sister said it looked great on me

Trigger: Oh come on we both know shes a sistercon

The only persons who knew Y/n is a spirit was Ratatoskr and DEM other than that she was classified as top secret because if ever word leaked out theres a spirit stronger than <Nightmare> morale would crumble

Blaze: So what brings you here Cipher

Y/n: Well i just want to take the old bird out for a spin again.

Blaze: I see, Good luck then Demon Lord.

Blaze with a mocking tone said. During her time with them Y/n was known for her explosive behavior so she was nicknamed Demon lord by the recruits. Likewise Trigger was Nicknamed Three strikes because of the three strikes on his plane. And Blaze was nicknamed The ghost of Razgriz because furing meetings people didn't notice his precence and his cold dementor during missions.

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