1. Sweet Defeat

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"Where is it?" Riddhima wondered in her mind troubled, unable to find what she was looking for. She was searching it in the cupboard ransacking through her clothes when she felt two strong muscular hands tightening on her waist and pulling closer. At first she was shocked at the sudden touch but no prize for guessing, it was Vansh, her husband, a romantic one though. He embraced her petite figure in his giant one and dipped his head in her neck breathing in her scent.

"Not now Vansh," she whined and grabbed his hands on her waist trying to remove them. But he was stubborn enough. So he didn't let go rather tightened his grip.

"What is it you are trying to find, sweetheart?" he said huskily while peppering small kisses on her neck. Electricity passed through her body when she felt the touch of his rough lips on her slender neck. Even after 1 year of marriage, his touch still electrocutes her.

"First let me go." she demanded weakly.

"Never." he replied, his voice determined.

"Vansh, I am not finding my saree which I am supposed to wear in today's party." she said, more like complained.

He smiled a little. "You don't need it, sweetheart." he said and she came out of his arms and faced him while rising her eyebrows in suspicion.

"What do you mean?" she asked folding her hands on her chest.

He again pulled her closer with one hand on her waist while tugging her stray hair strand behind her ear with the other.
"Look, that party is not that important. Let's not attend it and have our own quality time. You know, I am not able to give you enough time because of my business. So let me compensate for that." he said in his deep husky tone. She nodded her head in disagreement knowing his intensions very well what he meant by 'quality time'. Her cheeks turned crimson red in shyness remembering their previous moments.

"Oh come on sweetheart. Isn't a date better than that party?" Vansh whined in dissapointment.

"We are attending the party. You only told me that it was important. Now don't change your plan like always and help me finding my dress." she ordered and came out of his clutches.

Vansh looked on disappointed and nodded his head in disagreement. But one glare from his little wife shushed him up. Who would believe that the Vansh RaiSinghania the world fears act so obediently to his only cute little wife?

"You won't find it." he murmured while staring at the ground.

Riddhima could her that. So she asked him with suspicion. "Why?"

"Because I threw that away." Vansh confessed. His lips crept in a satisfactory smile while Riddhima's nose flared in anger.

"Why did you do that, Vansh? Now what will I wear in the party?" she asked angrily. "If this time also you play this trick on me, then you have to sleep in hall for the next 2 months, I tell you." Riddhima declared miffed at him and turned her head sideways indicating that she is very angry. Vansh could only chuckle at her cute antics. She looks cuter when angry and he admits that. Is it his fault if he always ends up conspiring to cancel the events to spend more time with his cute little wife?

"Aww sweetheart. You look so cute when you are angry." Vansh confessed making a baby face and back hugged her. A smile crept on her plump cherry lips unknown to her. His compliments always manages to flutter her heart even when she is angry. But she needs to act angry, right?

"Stop buttering me Vansh. It won't work today. Last time also you disposed all my party dresses to avoid attending the party. I am bored sitting at home all day. You hardly allow me outside." she complained like a little kid.

"Now I think I should divorce you for all the injustice you have done to me." she added sadly. But she was smirking internally threatening him with that. She knew Vansh will do anything but leave her. He loves her to this extent. She also loves him unconditionally. But what's wrong in having some fun teasing him?

Vansh's eyes hardened at her words but he knew his sweetheart was teasing him. So he decided to play along.
"Yeah do that only. I am also bored with my wife who is always teasing me. I miss my bachelor life. It's been months I left my bachelorhood. I don't think it's a bad idea to be bachelor once again. Moreover, I couldn't meet Ahana for so many days. I miss her. She is so beautiful. It would be wonderful to spend time with her. At least she will give me her full attention unlike you." he replied dreamily but smirked inwardly and passed a wink at her who was glaring him for his audacity to say that.

"How dare you think about that witch who is always hitting on you despite knowing that you are married?! I will kill you, Vansh!" she protested angrily and grabbed his neck with both her hands and started choking him. Vansh chuckled despite being strangulated as her tiny hands were not doing much harm to him. So his wife was also possessive about him, he wasn't the only one.

"Sweetheart I was just teasing you like you were teasing me. I want to spend all my time with my cute little wife only." he said in between his laughs.

"Dare you even think about her again!" she warned. Riddhima left his neck and beat on his chest with her tiny fists.

"Oww sweetheart. You have beaten your innocent husband so much who only wanted to spend some time with his gorgeous wife. Not fair! You need to be punished for your actions." Vansh winked at her mischievously and clutched her thighs. In no time, she found herself carried on his shoulder while he marched towards the bed with her. Rather than punishing him for his mischievous actions, she got punished by him instead. However, hopefully she will get to attend another party with him because this time they are too busy to attend the party.

"Once again the history repeats!" Riddhima sighed shyly in defeat and encircled her arms on his neck. Once again she was defeated by her husband and she couldn't attend the party. She can never win against him, can she? But truth to be told, she loves defeating against him.

'I need you like a heart needs a beat' ❤

I published the first OS. Do tell me if you liked it, in the comments. ❤️

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