2. The Beauty And The Beast

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Hey beautiful people! Am really overwhelmed by your response on my first OS. Thank you so much all!❤️
Here goes another OS. Hope you like it. Do comment your views on it as I would love to read them!❤️


"Pleas..see..forgive me sir..r...this mistake.. will nev...er...be..repeated..." cried the wounded man before him, helplessly. He was badly injured. With numerous bruises covered his entire body and blood oozing out of every inch of his flesh, he looked miserable.

"Please don’t... kill..mee...sir...Have.. some mercy on mee..pleas..se..." he mouthed with great difficulty and fell at the feet of the devil before him begging for his mercy.

But the devil was anything but merciful. Wasn’t he? His cries of agony and pain, his helpless stare, the fear of death in his eyes did nothing but satisfy him. With a satisfied sigh and a evil smirk etched on his lips, he spoke in an icy cold tone, so cold that it sent chills down everyone's spine present there,

"VR. You have dared to mess with VR. If you dare to mess with the devil, he will hunt back right?" the deadly tone and the intensity of his words were so much that for a moment everyone in VR's torcher cell held back a breath of horror.

Like a predator on prawl, VR moved closer and crouched before his prey, "You have tried to hurt my sweetheart. My possession! You are ought to be punished right? You know what is the punishment of eyeing my possession? Death!" he voiced out dangerously. So dangerously that Angre, who was the only soul to witness all his cruelty in life also gulped in fear. The wounded man gasped, when he finally realised that he wasn’t getting mercy rather a painful death, he shrieked in horror.

"No! Please don’t!" he screamed his lungs out and tears started falling down his eyes.
"Just one chance. Just one! I will do anything you would say but please spare my life." he cried bitterly and hopelessly and kept on pleading for a chance.

"You know what I would have spared your life if you had aimed your gun anyone in my whole family including me. But my wife? Naaah! Even after knowing the devil I am, you aimed your gun at my sweetheart. And now it’s time for the punishment." even in the darkness in the cell, the evil glint in his eyes shone.

"Sir please...one cha...chance..." he kept pleading.

"You should have thought before assassinating innocent people just for some money and riches, that one day you could meet the same fate and have a merciless death. But now it’s too late." Vansh gave him a life lesson just before his death. So that he could die with this realization. When realization finally dawned up on his prey, his eyes glinted remorse. Needles to say, he regretted his doings at this point of time though it was futile.

Just seconds after, fresh blood flashed on Vansh RaiSinghania's breathtaking handsome face as he shot the man right in the middle of his forehead.
"I gave you a easy death. Because to your utter luck my sweetheart was not hurt, I saved her before she could even realise an attack planned on her. But if there would have been a single scratch on her body, even the angels would shiver at the kind of death I would have given you." he whispered mercilessly to the lifeless body lying before him.

He then got up and looked around at his men to see fear in their eyes. Seeing fear for him in their eyes satisfied his demons and brought an evil smirk on his lips.
Clad in a black tuxedo, eyes dark with a devilish glint in them, handsome face that were now stained with fresh blood, sharp features and an evil smirk plastered on his rough lips, he truly reflected a devil.

"Boss you killed him without asking who sent him to kill bhabi." Angre, his right hand who is the closest to him dared to open his mouth.

"Because I know who the culprit is, Angre. That bloody Ryan Mathur dared to attempt this." he spoke venomously. Rage overpowering him at the thought of someone trying to hurt his Riddhima, his love, his life.
"Clear all these shit here and arrange my meeting with Mr Zain Malhotra. Let's turn the tables of this game. He turned our business rivalry into a personal one. Now that bastard Ryan will meet his doom in a few days, I swear."

"Okay boss." came Angre's instant reply. He motioned his men to dispose the corpse and himself head out to carry out his boss's order.

"Wrong move Ryan. Wrong move. You have called your ruin yourself. Now just wait and watch." VR clicked his tongue and laughed evilly while wiping the blood off his face with a handkerchief.


Reaching his room in VR mansion, Vansh sneaked in it with slow steps trying not to make any sound. After getting freshened up, he went to his king sized bed only to see his Riddhima, his sweetheart fast asleep. A contented smile spread on his face seeing her. Moonlight were falling on her angelic face from the open window, the serene look on her face and a small smile adorned her lips. She looked enchanting, ethereal ! Just one glance of her face and Vansh's demons were at peace.

Going near her sleeping figure, Vansh caressed her cheeks lightly and whispered lovingly.
"What have you done to me sweetheart? I can't find peace anywhere but you. Just the thought of losing you scares my soul to no extent. But a glance at you calms my demons."

Placing his thumb on her plump lips and stroking it slightly, he continued with his soothing words,
"Your smile is like a blooming sunflower that lightens up my whole day. But a tear in your eyes stabs my heart with million knives. You are so precious to me sweetheart, so precious!"

Laying on the bed beside her, he took her in his embrace close to him. Riddhima's body stiffened at first but relaxed after recognising his touch.
"You are late today." she murmured sleepily and hugged him tight.

"Sorry. I had some work." he apologised softly while running his fingers through her silky smooth tresses.

"I can do anything for you sweetheart. You will never know my bad side, I will never let you know. You are the beauty of this beast who is not allowed to leave him, ever!" he thought in his mind and kissed her hair affectionately. Then drifted to a peaceful sleep.

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