4.2. I Love You!

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When I and Simon entered our class, I looked around to see Riddhima. But to my dismay, she wasn’t in the class.

Only her best friend Sejal was there. It was almost the time to start the class. As a bright student, Riddhima was punctual. If she had to attend the class, she would have been here by now.

"Hii Vansh and Simmy!" Sejal greeted smilingly when she spotted us and walked to us.

"Don’t call me that. That sounds too girly." Simon protested and I chuckled.

"I will call you that only, Simmy!" Sejal replied emphasizing on the word 'Simmy' and adamantly folded her hands on her chest.

"Then I will won't talk to you." Simon replied being adamant too.

"We will see." Sejal said confidently and faced me completely ignoring Simon. They are just like Tom and Jerry, always fighting! But I know Simon likes her but doesn’t accept the fact.

"Vansh, how do you even tolerate this monkey? I myself feel like punching his not-so-good face whenever I see him. Huh!" Sejal complained and I chuckled.

"Don’t worry. I am planning to dump him in a gutter tonight." I said with a wink and I and Sejal bursted out laughing.

"Don’t worry dude. Tonight you will not be free to do that." Simon said with a smirk. I didn’t get what he meant.

"What do you mean, Simon? What is it tonight?" I asked him confused.

"You will know." Simon replied with an attitude that made me roll my eyes.

Ignoring him, I diverted my attention to Sejal.
"Sejal, where is Riddhima? I haven’t seen her today." I asked trying hard to suppress the impatience in my voice.

"Ohh she told me that she have some work. So she won't attend college today." Sejal replied and I was sad but tried my best to hide it. But I saw a teasing smile on Sejal's face. It was gone as soon as it came. Did I see it right? Ohh, let it be.

"Don’t be so impatient dude." Simon whispered in my ear.

"Shut up!" I whisper-yelled at him.

"She didn’t tell me that." I said.

"Maybe she was busy. So she informed her best friend only. Not you." Simon teased again, angering me.

"Just let me find you alone and I will tell you." I said throwing Simon a tight smile.

Then the professor arrived. I wasn’t feeling like attending the lecture but Simon literally dragged me to the last bench and we sat there. What has gotten into him today? He is behaving strange since morning. Usually I have to drag him to attend the lecture while he comes up with different excuses to avoid it. But today he was dragging me to attend lecture. Strange!


Finally it was the time for the college to end. Today Simon forced me to attend all the lectures even after I yelled at him for pressuring me. Meanwhile Sejal had left after the second lecture itself saying she had some urgent work.

I wanted to check on Riddhima but Simon arranged a group meet with our friends in canteen. So I came in canteen with them.

"You seem lost, Vansh." Tim, my friend said.

"Thinking of some girl?" Sarah teased with a mischievous grin.

"Maybe he's lost in my beauty." Jenny joked and made a shy face teasing me.

"No, Jenny. I was thinking David and Hazel make a great pair. What say guys?" I replied with a smirk and Jenny made a miffed face.

"She is a witch. Always following Dave." Jenny retorted folding her hands on her chest. [ David's nickname is Dave ] We all chuckled a little.

Everybody in our group knew that Jenny has a crush on Dave but she is reluctant to accept that.

"I think Dave also likes her company." Tim added up to me.

"Yeah. They look like a cute couple." Tyler joined us in teasing Jenny.

"They are not so close they pretend to be. It’s just that Hazel is always sticking to Dave. But why do you guys bother so much about them? Mind your own business guys." Jenny retorted angrily and we all chuckled. It was fun teasing her.

"Guys have you heard about the new band in town?" Simon said excitedly.

The whole time passed like that. Gossiping and having fun. But it would have been better if there was Riddhima. Time flew away and it was evening. Everyone had left. Only me and Simon was there.

"Dude, let's go to your home." I said to Simon who was scrolling on his phone sitting on the chair with a coke in his one hand.

"What's the hurry, man? We will go to a special place tonight." Simon said and got up from his seat.

"I am out if that's bar or something like that." I said while getting up from my seat.

"Lucky for you that it’s not something like that. Even if it was I bet you would have joined. You know me, right?" Simon said with a smug look.

"No. I would not have joined." I disagreed but got only a sarcastic chuckle from Simon in reply.

We got in our car and Simon drove to some place I hadn’t visited before. We got down together.

It was a open place but quite dark too as it was almost night. Simon got a call suddenly. He halted to answer it and gestured me to move forward. I shrugged my shoulders and walked ahead.

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