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you think she's cute?


you were a bit intrigued when you opened your phone again by dismissal time to check the messages jeongyeon has left you.

jeongyeon: nooo don't shut ur phone on me

jeongyeon: ill send u pics of my friends. hold up.

jeongyeon: *sent a photo. that's park jihyo, my first new friend, she gave me campus tour

jeongyeon: *sent a photo. minatozaki sana, we were seatmates in ap bio (and also jihyos gf)

jeongyeon: *sent a photo. myoui mina, jihyos best friend, prettiest girl around here in my opinion

you couldn't deny that made you chuckle a little. it was probably all those years you've known jeongyeon, because you didn't even need to ask anymore before knowing that this mina person has straight up gotten jeongyeon smitten at first sight.

jeongyeon: *sent a photo. chou tzuyu, jihyos step cousin and youngest in the circle

jeongyeon: *sent a photo. hirai momo.

at the last text, you couldn't help but frown. what about miss hirai momo that there's no little caption? perhaps, jeongyeon doesn't find her very interesting?

(you were so curious, you just had to ask.)

nayeon: what about the intro for hirai momo?

jeongyeon: none so far. i jus met her 30 mins ago before class started. havent really talked to her yet.
jeongyeon: y? u think shes cute? lmao

nayeon: idk, pics r not loading yet

it was the truth. it was most certainly the school's shitty wifi's fault the photos jeongyeon sent to you didn't load immediately after you've opened the conversation box. so you waited for approximately eight and a half minutes before the last picture finally loads,

and holy fuck.

nayeon: yea, hirai momo cute for sure

jeongyeon: lol. i knew she'd catch ur attention.
jeongyeon: shes japanese btw. lmao
jeongyeon: you better start praying i turn out liking her

can you believe you actually prayed before going to sleep that night?

(you guessed it kind of worked, though, because when jeongyeon sent you another photo the day after, momo was next to her on the screen.

jeongyeon: *sent a photo. still no intro but i did like her. u have my blessing, nabongs.)


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