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why would i stare at her?


"nayeon, you there?"

over the months of your stay in your new school with your new (apparently observant and highly perceptive) friends, you've come to learn that it was kind of a bad idea to zone out whenever you're with them—

—especially with myoui mina.

simply because the girl sees right through literally anyone, like it's some kind of a secret talent or something. besides finding out about sana and jihyo's secret (and mutual) pining on each other in seventh grade, she also single handedly figured out about jeongyeon's growing crush on her by the end of the first year of middle school, which was impressive as hell. she's a maniac.

it's cool, and you can't possibly not give mina that. but then that also means she could see right through the completely-unbothered-and-not-thinking-about-momo façade you're currently trying to put up before her, which honestly scares you for your own life.

"y-yeah, sure. what was it again?"

it was a poor attempt of trying to sound normal, but you thought mina would apprecite you trying, anyway. (she's always been such a sweetheart.)

"you're zoning out," she raises an eyebrow at you while gazing subtly towards the opposite side of the library, the kindergarten section, where momo sat on the soft, lego couch in between jihyo and sana, reading a dr. seuss pop-up book to them. "where's your gaze at, anyway?"

you can blame it on your stupid impulses, the way you just had to defend yourself before mina actually accuses you of staring — "at momo?! no-no way! whaa— haha, that's crazy. why would i stare at her?"

so that just sells you right out.


"uhh, i don't know," mina reduces her voice into a whisper while your face turned completely red. "so you can unconsciously draw her?"

"what?" you ask, wide-eyed and officially horrified the second you looked down at your notebook and realized that, "oh, great, now even my hand grew a brain of its own so it can doodle her, too."

you groaned, mostly out of frustration and embarrassment, hiding your furiously blushing face in your hands. you silently tried to make yourself feel a little better by forcing yourself to think that mina probably knew about it all this time, anyway.

i mean she's dating jeongyeon, for god's sake! of course your best friend has already blabbered about your little crush on momo to her at some point.

mina had to laugh at your remark, causing a few heads to turn towards your spot in the library, including jihyo, sana, and momo, who were now standing up to approach the two of you.

you couldn't really think straight whenever panic takes over you like that, so you did what your brain first told you to do and flipped through the pages of your notebook until the drawing of you-know-who was completely kept out of sight.

"hey, what are we laughing at?" jihyo's voice greeted through your ears the second she, sana, and momo were close enough to you and mina's table.

it was as if on purpose that jihyo and sana took the seats on either sides of mina, just so momo would have no other choice but to sit next to you. extremely flushed the second momo's body heat invaded your personal space, you decided to just keep your mouth shut about it and try to be normal.

at least, before sana coos from her spot, "ooh, look at you two, so picture-perfect together. see, babe, this is what i've been trying to tell you! look at them!" she exclaims at jihyo, who only narrowed her eyes at you and momo.

at that, you had to blush again. of course.

"oh, yeah, i see it now." jihyo reached over to plop a 20 dollar bill on sana's readily spreaded palm in front of a chuckling mina's face with a subtle roll of her eyes.

"did you guys just made a bet on us?" you were just about to ask, but momo beat you to it.

"not exactly," sana shrugged as she shoved the bill down her pocket with a grin. "just if nayeon would blush like crazy the second you sit next to her again."

"ugh, i should've known better than trusting she wouldn't fall for momo's charms, whatsoever." jihyo ducks her head on the table on top of her folded arms, just to seem more dramatic, apparently. "nayeon, i had my faith in you!"

all of their comments just made you turn beet red in your seat, even more than you already were. you guessed it was when momo noticed and decided to take mercy upon you, chuckling from her seat, as well.

"you guys are a bunch of a-holes. don't listen to them. you all leave nayeon alone, alright?" she jokingly says to sana and jihyo while the second sentence was directed at you. "i gotta run. hey, by the way, you still up for that milkshake later after class?"

the question, this time, was directed at you again, (you realized because momo was staring right at you, waiting,) and you had the hardest time internally debating whether it'd be worth pinching a widely grinning sana under the table unnoticably enough or not.

"yeah, s-sure. i mean, of course," you managed to stutter out successfully (thank god),making momo grin wider at you in return.

"good. i'll wait for you at the lobby, later," she says before turning to nod at the rest of your friends. "see you guys tomorrow."

"motang, you didn't ask if i wanted milkshake too! i do!" sana yells after her, but not before momo was far enough so she'd miss it intentionally. you thought now was the best time to kick her leg under the table, causing her to whine rather dramatically. "ow, nayeonie! that hurt!"

jihyo fakes a gasp, swatting your arm lightly with a frown. "did you just kick my girl on the shin?! leave her alone, i can take you!"

"and i'd love to see that," sana adds, chuckling and raising her hands defensively when jihyo shoots her a look.

"you guys are so annoying, oh my god!" you exclaim before knocking your head on the table on purpose (and out of utter embarrassment) once again. "oh god, what if momo noticed? i'm seriously gonna kill the two of you if she finds out that i like her!"

oh she already has a faint idea, actually, mina secretly smirks as she listened to you continuously argue with jihyo and sana next to her.


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