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relationships are like sexuality


you uber to a diner just outside of your high school. momo had a car, but she said it wasn't available because she'd apparently lent it to chungha that afternoon.

(i mean, okay...)

she apologized to you, though. and she payed for the cab.

"you didn't have to do that," you told her as you walked together and sat on an empty booth. however, she only grinned at you playfully.

"i did, though. i asked you out, not the other way around." shrugging her shoulders, momo nods towards the waitress who winked at her before disappearing into the kitchen and coming back out with a tray of milkshakes and fries. she placed them down on your table and momo thanked her politely. when the waitress walked away, momo turned to grin at you again. "i've been here a couple of times, so they know my usual."

a couple of times with a couple of other girls... got it.

"right." you breathe out a chuckle as you looked down, avoiding eye contact. "can you let me pay this time, though? i mean, it's always you who pays whenever we hang out together and it's kind of starting to feel wrong to me."

"no way! you know you don't have to feel weird about it, right? i told you that's just my thing." momo exclaims as she reached over to grab one of the milkshakes from the tray. "hey, you should try the milkshakes, they're really good."

you didn't waste another second to reach for the other glass.

"so are you gonna come to the football game tomorrow night?" momo asks around a mouthful of fries, crossing her arms in front of her as she tilted her head to the side.

have you mentioned hirai momo is crazy cute?

"football's not really my thing. but it's a saturday night and i've got nothing better to do anyway, so, i guess i'll give it a shot."

"that's great. you should see me in that tiger mascot," she snorts as she mixed her drink subconsciously with her straw. "sana and i decided to switch turns in it so we could distract jeongyeon during the game."

you laughed, (maybe even a little too louder than necessary,) making momo's smile grow wider on her face.

"you guys know coach park is gonna kill you if you sabotaged the game, right?"

"whatever. that guy's always hated me and sana, anyways."

"i really don't think so, momo."

"he kicked us off the team because we missed practice once. i say that's what he gets."

you rolled her eyes at momo's response, kicking her shin under the table in which she returned to you playfully. when you were about to steer the topic around, suddenly, momo's phone starts blasting from the table.

and you didn't mean to pry, (okay maybe you did a little bit,) but you can't control the way your gaze automatically lands on the screen where you saw the contact name kim chungha was displayed. you cleared your throat when momo snatched the device from the table and asked,

"hey, do you mind if i take this?"

"no, go ahead." you smiled, utterly surprised when momo didn't even bother taking the call outside and just pressed the green button on the screen in front of you.

"hey, chungha. what's up?..... oh, tomorrow? i don't know, i'm gonna be on the field with sana...... well, not exactly on the team, but on the field, for sure. we stole this tiger mascot from the gym and everything...."

momo laughs at her own statement, making you force to hide your own smile behind the straw of your milkshake.

"...oh after the game, uhh, well, yeah sure.... nope, it's cool. hey, can i ask my friends to come, too?.... sweet, alright. see you.... bye, chung."

when momo dropped the call, she gave you a short smile.

"sorry, that was just chungha. she's asking if i wanted to come to a party after the game tomorrow night." she started typing on her phone, the same time she asks, "do you wanna come? we can drive up together if you'd like."

"oh, i don't know..." at your response, momo furrowed her eyebrows, her bottom lip jutting out as she held your gaze firmly, making you sigh. "fine. but if you're planning on driving up with chungha, it's fine. i could just ask sana and jihyo for a lift or something."

"why would you not want to drive up with me?"

not with you, exactly. "i just don't wanna interrupt your time with your girl."

you forced a chuckle before biting your lip. so it didn't sound as playful as you wanted it to be...

"chungha's not my girlfriend, though." momo chuckles as she shoves her phone down her pocket and reaches for her milkshake once again.

"yeah, right." you let out a dry laugh. when momo didn't say anything more, however, you turned to face her properly again. "wait, seriously? i thought you guys were dating all this time."

you hated how your stomach does a little happy twirl.

"i mean, we go out several times, but it's not official."

"oh," you hated how the twirl was suddenly uncomfortable. "so, do you ever plan on making it, you know, official with her?"

do you sound as nosy as you think you do?

you watch momo shrug casually, (maybe you didn't). "i don't know. i mean, i'm rather more into the idea of free dating– like, the casual stuff, you know?"

"oh, so you're one of those we're-allowed-to-see-other-people-while-we're-together type, then?"

you laughed at your own remark, expecting for momo to do the same — mainly because you meant it only as a joke, supposedly — but then momo just stayed silent, smiling up at you amusedly from her seat, and your jaw fell to the ground.

"wait— you are? seriously?!"

at this, momo laughs, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned back on her seat. "what's the big deal? so i thought i could see several people at once. i'm just a free spirit, nayeon-chan."

you swear, you didn't mean to blush at the nickname, but that's what happened anyway. "does being a free spirit mean not being in a relationship, like, ever?"

why are you even nervous about what her answer's gonna be?

"not really. but i'm sure it means not having to say no to the things you want to say yes to, and that's what i want more than anything," momo smiles, and you felt butterflies in your stomach. "plus, relationships are like... sexuality, you know? it's a spectrum. at least, i think it is."

"what does that mean?"

"just that the idea of, you know, connecting with someone varies with people. it's like, complex, and doesn't necessarily need to fall into a single classification, just like how people identify themselves. does that make sense?" momo must've noticed the way she's starting to get lost in her own world while explaining her thoughts to you, because suddenly she shook her head, a little chuckle escaping her lips. "crap. i'm rambling now, aren't i?"

you let out a giggle, too. "no, it's okay. i enjoy this conversation."

i enjoy any conversation with you.

she didn't have to hear that out loud, anymore.


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