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did it feel like it?


"wait are you fucking serious?" dahyun was currently screaming through the phone, so you pulled the device slightly away from your ear.

jeongyeon's chuckle echoed your ears too, so you slightly leaned towards where she sat in the driver's seat of her jeep and smacked her arm, earning you an overly dramatic "ow, nabong, i'm driving!" from her.

"what? what is it?" before you could respond, you heard chaeyoung's faint voice ringing from the other line as well. "what did she say? dahyun, come on, put it on speaker phone, i wanna hear too!"

you sighed, massaging your temple while jeongyeon continued bursting out laughing next to you. "look, so momo asked me to get milkshakes with her tomorrow after school, so what? don't be so dramatic, it's not a big deal."

you heard a little gasp (that sounded very much like chaeyoung) on the other line, so you guessed dahyun had already put you on speaker phone.

"uh, excuse me?" dahyun replies, you could imagine the way her eyebrow is perked up right now. "she also gave you a tour on your first day?"

"and— they sat on a separate table during lunch!" jeongyeon even leans towards you on the passenger's side, apparently to make sure dahyun and chaeyoung heard it on the other line. "and momo payed for dessert, too!"

another dramatic gasp was emitted from chaeyoung while words came stumbling out of dahyun's mouth at once. they were coming out so fast, you actually thought for a second there that she could make a career out of it.

"okay, shut up, shut up— all of you!" you raise your voice too, which effectively stopped all of your friends from talking at the same time. "look, i don't know, okay? jeongyeon here was the one who even told us that it's momo's thing— asking everyone out for meals and paying for them — maybe she was just being nice to me."

as you expected, everyone reacted at the same time to that again. jeongyeon scoffs, chaeyoung gasps, and dahyun rambles.

"that's so crazy! she was obviously into you too!"

oh god please please please don't jinx it.

"shut up, dahyun! she totally doesn't give a shit about me," you hiss, making jeongyeon laugh even more.

"don't listen to her, d. nabongs' just being cranky cause she saw momo talking to this girl, chungha, after class and now her ass is confused as hell."

"exactly why i don't want to get my hopes up," you squint your eyes a bit threateningly at jeongyeon, but she only stuck her tongue out at you. "plus, my thing with momo— it's just a... happy crush, okay? you guys act like i just found the love of my life when in reality i just find the girl kind of cute."

"didn't you stalk her for a whole month after jeongyeon sent us her insta in seventh grade?"

"chae, do you want tzuyu's number or not?"

"fine, i'm shutting up."

you said goodbye to chaeyoung and dahyun after a few more minutes of catching up. when you dropped the call, jeongyeon was already pulling up before your house. you turned to face her again when the engine went off, only to find her grinning at you sheepishly again.

"shut up," you say before jeongyeon even managed to open her mouth.

"i'm just saying," she reasons out in between broken snickers. "you can ask momo out for real, you know? like on a real date, if you'd like." she shrugs her shoulder before smirking knowingly at you, making you turn beet red. "and if you happen to really like her."

at that, you rolled your eyes and pushed jeongyeon away weakly. "i don't know about really liking her, okay, jeong? i just met her."

and you have to admit, jeongyeon's response kind of took you by surprise.

"did it feel like it, though?" she raises an eyebrow, her voice turning a little bit serious this time. "or was it like you've known her forever even though you haven't?"

it kept you up all night, and you had pre-calculus the morning after. it was a bad idea.

(it was momo's fault.)


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