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free spirit, remember?


you tell jeongyeon, mina, sana, jihyo, and tzuyu about how jinyoung asked you to the formal two days later, and you hate how everyone else is actually excited for you except for yourself.

"wait so, was jinyoung the first guy who asked you to the dance?" sana asks, even lowering her voice and leaning closer to you across from her. you breathe out a soft chuckle.

"yes, he was," you say, watching the way sana's grin turn impossibly wider. "and it's not exactly a big secret, so there's no need for you to whisper."

"that's so great! for you, nayeon, of course— but for me, too." she leans back on her seat, spreading her palm out in front of jihyo, who only lazily plopped another 20-dollar bill on it with a roll of her eyes.

jeongyeon, from the other side of the lunch table, saw this and chuckled. "you guys bet on nabongs again?" she asks, wrapping her arm around mina's shoulder, who moved to lean her head on jeongyeon's chest tiredly.

"nope. on momo, this time," sana snickers from her seat as she pocketed her money, ignoring the way jihyo groaned exasperatedly next to her.

"i can't believe this! i really thought momo was gonna ask her!" jihyo exhales in frustration, resting her forehead on her arms crossed on top of the table, which muffled her voice when she adds, "i mean she was totally flirting with nayeon back at the football game and everything!"

you sighed, rolling your eyes at the comment you could only wish were rather true.

"wait, i thought momo was goofing around on the field in that mascot costume during the game?" tzuyu pipes in from across jeongyeon and mina as she continued to chew on her sandwich unbothered.

"yeah, but she danced in it like an idiot for nayeon," jihyo retorts, effectively making you turn to her in surprise. "she wanted her turn to go first 'cause she was so excited about the stupid dance she's prepared for you. can you believe that?"

no, you can't.

"hey, you're not supposed to tell her that," you heard sana mumble discreetly to jihyo, making you narrow your eyes suspiciously at them.

"and why not?" jihyo raises an eyebrow at her girlfriend challengingly. before sana could respond, however, another voice interrupted her from a distance, making you freeze on your seat in an instant.

"hey, what are we whispering about?" momo asks from behind you as she claimed the empty space next to you on your lunch table.

sana subtly clears her throat, leaning back from jihyo's side. "nothing, just nayeonie's big date next week with mr. golden boy," she says in a rather teasing tone.

momo furrows her eyebrows. "what date? and who's mr. golden boy?" she breathes out a chuckle.

"she's just talking about the dance. that jinyoung guy asked nayeon to be his date," mina says, leaning her head back from jeongyeon's shoulder before she starts gathering her stuff. "we have to go, we're gonna be late for the meeting. tzu, you coming?"

tzuyu simply nods at mina's question, gathering her own stuff and getting up, walking back to the entrance of the campus alongside mina and jeongyeon, who only gave the rest of you a mock salute in farewell.

meanwhile, momo nods, a little "ah, right," escaping her lips before she starts digging in on her lunch in silence.

it was jihyo's turn to speak again after that. "so, mo, who're you gonna come with to the formal?"

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