Ei inside the plane of Euthymia and not pt 2

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Ei was not in the plane of Euthymia in chapter four and only went back in after healing from her injuries from chapter four. She was staying there only for around about a week or so.

She then exited when the time Sara had her confrontation with her adoptive father. She was then in Tensukaku with La Signora. She then at the gates of Tensukaku brought Lumine in with her as Miko also appeared and said. "Cutting it rather close? Hmm?" (I love that line)

Then the traveller painstakingly drained Ei's battle stamina. And then left after Miko left to fight the battle against the Fatui that attempted to attack Inizuma. Which they still do even after chapter six. Although Ei and Miko won't be involved. :They have done enough:

So, you will find out if Ei goes back to the plane of Euthymia or not~

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