Something about last night...

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Concert was fucking L I T

Probably- no, not probably.

That was the BEST concert I've ever gone to.

No joke. It was a Godlike concert. All the members were fantastic, beautiful, breathtaking, alluring, mesmerizing, stupendous, terrific, and have I said beautiful? Because god, they're just... they felt real lmao.

From start to finish it was an amazing concert, the fans and people made it so fun with their cheers, everyone was so nice and the whole trip to New York was and will be an unforgettable one.

A special, and I mean SPECIAL shout-out to OurChaeyoung who agreed to join me without a second thought lmao. He was dope before, and he's even amazing in person... he also pushed me into getting another tattoo- which is 1000% worth it. The concert and trip itself wouldn't have been fun without him yelling at me every time I missed my exits... thanks for joining me, sir, and get ready for VIP seats and front row next time 👊

Another amazing shout-out to Vorrentis Who I unfortunately did not have the pleasure to personally meet him face to face (I'm too nervous, not too social, too shy...) but at least I had the pleasure to wave at him from a distance lol. Hope you enjoyed the concert. And in reality. As weird as it sounds, if it wasn't for his books which got me into TWICE even more than I had already liked them... I probably wouldn't even be here in the first place.

A HUGE thank you for those 2 legends! Hope they had their times of their lives, and may it not be the last time that our paths cross.

I'm feeling so much inspiration from this whole trip. Not even a joke this time, get ready for some chapters starting... next month since February is nearly over...

Again, thanks for not forgetting about me, thanks to those 2 legends, and I'll see you all later on the next chapter.

I can't upload or show pics yet since I'm literally waiting at the airport as I'm writing this, but once I get back I'll set them up, and update this thing again with photos.

Or I can always show you all on the next chapter.

Love y'all, take care, be safe, live on.

My heart is full of  TIWCE members and concert moments, can't wait to see them again 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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