ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 27

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Layla Brooks
Tuesday, The next day
2:16 pm

"Layla, put your shoes on we going somewhere" Sincere said walking into his room

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"Layla, put your shoes on we going somewhere" Sincere said walking into his room

I stayed the night at his house lastnight.

"Where we going ?" I asked keeping my eyes on the tv

"Just put your shoes on... tf you watching ?" He asked looking at the tv

"How to cake it" I said pausing it before slipping on my slides

"Alright come on" he said

"Why are we at a hotel" I asked sincere

He ignored me and got out the car before walking over to my side.

He opened the door for me "boy don't ignore me"

He walked into the hotel and went straight to the elevators with me behind him.

"Who are we here to see ?" I asked as he pressed the floor number

He looked at me and shook his head.

The elevator doors opened and he got off walking to the room door.

"Knock" he said to me

"No" I scrunched my face

He smacked his lips and knocked on the door.

The door opened revealing my dad.

"Dad ?"

"Wassup lay" he laughed

"I thought you left already" I said walking in the room

When I walked in I stopped seeing my mom sitting in the bed.

"Mom" my voice cracked

I walked over her and hugged her.

"Heyy laybug" she smiled

"Omggg I missed you so much" I cried

" I missed you too baby"

"Are you okay ?" I wiped my eyes and sat next to her

"Yes I'm fine Layla"

"How are you here ?"

"I got the transplant a week ago and after that I've been improving" she smiled

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