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9:30 am
5 years later...

Layla woke up from her sleep and woke up quietly not trying to wake the person next to her.

She went straight to the bathroom to start her day .

After brushing her teeth she started her shower and walked out the room towards another.

Opening the door quietly she checked on her 2 year old daughter who was still sleeping peacefully.

Walking back to her room she went back to the bathroom and started to undress before getting into the shower.

Couple minutes into her shower she felt a pair of arms wrap around her causing her to chuckle.

"You need to leave before my fiancé get back" she said

"What fiancé ?" The person spoke into her ear

"Sincere mf Williams...he suppose to be at his morning workouts right now" she said pressing her butt against him

"Welp he could stay where he at" he said turning Layla to face him

Layla laughed "baby why are you still here"

"I ain't feel like going today" he chuckled sucking on her neck

"Sincere" she moaned


"Stop I don't want Ski hearing us"  Layla said

"Then you gotta be quiet" Sincere said turning her around to where her back was towards him

Layla moaned as sincere sucked on her neck and moved his hand towards her clit and slowly rubbed it.

Slipping his two finger down her wet folds Layla quickly grabbed his wrist.

"Move your hand" he said causing her to move her hand and to grab onto something else

Sincere slowly slipped his figures into her causing her to let out a loud moan.

"Shhhh" he said pumping his figures into her

"That feel good ?" He asked grabbing her neck with his other hand

"Y- mmmm baee" she moaned out

"Yes mama"

"I'm f- finna cum" she said

"Already" he asked while laughing


"Go ahead" he said moving his fingers faster

As soon as she heard that she released all over his fingers.

He lifted them towards her lips and watched as she sucked them clean.

"Freaky ass" he mumbled

Feeling his manhood poke her Layla started to moved back and forth on him.

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