Chapter 4

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I skipped group this time today and I just wanted to hang out with Kellin and maybe right some music. The connection that we had last night was just so right. His angelic voice gave me the chills and I couldn't wait to hear it again. I told Jenna everything that happened yesterday and it made her so happy to see that I was making a friend, and socializing. I was happy too. I could already tell Kellin was different, but in a good way. He was sweet, nice, caring, and courageous. And those aren't things you can find all together. I didn't want to go to group today because I didn't like all the attention on me, I'm not that kind of person. Anyways, I got ready and met him at our spot after group ended. I wore my black muscle shirt that had a white skull on it with smoke along with my dark blue skinny jeans and my slip on vans. I grabbed my hoodie as I left and put my hair in a bun. I walked through the halls of the plain and boring prison-I mean building. I passed by some kids not caring what they thought of me and made my way to the huge room with the funky furniture. I looked straight at the empty purple couch and looked around. There still wasn't anyone here. The lights were dimmed and there were couches that were green, brown, black, along with some weird tables. They had a weird set up in front of the stage. I sat down on the couch and waited to see if Kellin would come. I waited for 30 minutes and started to loose hope. I got up sadly and slowly walked to the door but then I felt some arms wrap themselves around my waist and pull me back. I was startled at first.

"Where do you think you're going?" It was Kellin. I giggled at his cute gesture and turned to face him and gave him an actual hug. I kind of leaped onto him my head on his shoulder as he lifted me up off the ground a little bit.

"I thought you weren't going to show.." I said mumbling into his shoulder. I felt his face shift into a smile.

"I wouldn't do that to you, come on Mae be real. I was looking around for you, I didn't think to come here first, I'm sorry. But hey you didn't show up to group!" He set me down and broke away looking at me as I stared up at him apologetic.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to go after yesterday. I don't like sharing and having all the attention on me. But also being asked the same questions over and over again. And then getting the same responses over and over again. It gets annoying and then what's the point..?" I looked down. I felt Kellin's thumb under my chin as he lifted my head up to look at him. God those eyes just kill me. And his smile...

"But you have to go to get better Mae. I want you to get better, you know other people care about you. And besides, if you don't like to go, why do you?" His hand escaped from my chin and left him with a small smile on his face. Now he was giving me an apologetic look.

"They don't have a choice, and I still don't understand why you care. You barely know me and you stuck up for me, and now you're saying you care but you barely know me Kellin. And I go because I don't want to hear Jenna beg me and tell me over and over again how it's good for me." He looked confused and puzzled.

"Why are you acting like this? Of course those people care, they want to get better as much as they want you to get better. Everyone here is fighting from something and trying to recover and be positive. I know I don't know much about you, but I know enough already to care. You're different Mae. You aren't like those other girls who are all about themselves and are selfish and concieted. You actually care and have a heart. But that big of heart of yours is what gets you hurt. Not everyone has your heart and will react or think the same way you do. You have to realize that." He looked down at me and I looked away trying to hide my tears. I don't know exactly why I was crying. His words just made me feel good to know that someone like him cared. And that being different was a good thing, and that there isn't anything wrong with me.

"Come on let's go and get something to eat." He said giving me a sweet smile as he put his arm out for me to follow him. I followed him and he put his arm around me. I blushed and we walked into the cafeteria. There weren't that many people here. Plain boring white walls with windows that were high up, the soda and vending machines, and then the area to get your food. There were an array of old and dirty creaky tables. I followed Kellin as he grabbed a tray and got his food. He got a sandwich, an apple, and a water. I got a turkey and harvarti sand which, some strawberries and a grabbed a water bottle. I turned to see Kellin staring at me smiling as he waited for me. We sat down at one of the tables that wasn't that dirty. He sat down in front of me and we munched on our food as we talked. He finished chewing his food and turned to me smiling at me. I looked up curious as to why he was smiling.

The Strays; Kellin Quinn Love Story {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now