Chapter 21

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~ One Week Later ~

I woke up to my phone buzzing. I rolled around and unplugged my phone from its charger and grabbed it off of my desk next to my bed. I smiled as I got a text from Kellin.

Kellin: Morning beautiful, hope you slept well. I'm going to take you out tonight for a date. ❤️

Me: Morning Kellin (: Haha okay. See you tonight. ❤️

Kellin: I'll pick you up at 6:30. 😘

Me: Okay. See you love. ❤️

I smiled as I set my phone down. I woke up and it was 1:30 pm. Whoops I guess Kellin sent me the goodmorning text way earlier. Oh well it's morning for me whenever I wake up haha. I rolled out of bed and hopped into the shower. I jammed out to SWS of course. I got out of the shower and dried my hair with my towel. I wiped away my smeared makeup from yesterday and brushed my hair out. I got changed into some casual clothes and then made some cereal for myself. I was thinking to myself as I was eating and I stared over at my guitar.

I'm going to put up a cover. I smiled to myself as I finished eating and then grabbed my guitar. I knew exactly what song. I grabbed my computer from my room and turned it on then started recording myself. I began strumming away as I began to sing "Hold On Till May" by Pierce The Veil.

I then smiled to myself as I finished and then stopped the video. I began to replay the video and edit it. Then once I was finished I took a deep breath and then pushed "upload". I smiled to myself and screamed inside. My video was on YouTube... I really hope Pierce The Veil sees it, I have to text Vic and tell him. I'm not going to tell Kellin yet because then he'll make me sing for him. I don't want to do that just yet, it's been so long. I always get nervous around him, and only him.

I decided to text Vic and tell him how I uploaded a cover and to check it out. I smiled as he replied.

Vic: Oh my God. I'm going to watch it right now with the guys! I know it's going to be amazing. :)

Me: I'm so nervous haha. Thank you Vic!

I waited like 5 minutes for a reply but I didn't get one. Then I got a notification that @piercetheveil uploaded a video. I smiled as I opened the notification and then almost screamed as it was a video. Of my cover.

With the caption: Guys, please check out my friend Mae's cover of "Hold On Till May"! She is amazing and so talented and I can't wait to hear more. Love you Mae! Awesome job!"

I nearly fainted. I then texted Vic and thanked him and was internally screaming when I saw the views just growing and growing. I didn't even want to look or read the comments because I knew I wouldn't be able to stand reading the hate comments. But I just couldn't believe it. Kellin hasn't said anything about my video yet so I hope he doesn't say anything yet XD

I turned and looked at my clock that now read 3:30 pm. I sighed as I just wanted the time for our date to come sooner. I decided to listen to some music and clean up around the house before our date. It was now 5 pm and I smiled to myself as I started to get ready. I pulled out my black skinny jeans and a black tank top. I put over my long and nice black cardigan over it and added some long necklaces. I then curled my hair the best I could and did my makeup. I applied my foundation, some gold and brow eyeshadow, my eyeliner and mascara. I added a little bit of lipstick that was a little darker than my lip color. I smiled as I was happy with how I looked. I then sat on my couch as I pulled on my black lace design combat boots. I have like three different pairs of combat boots.

It was now 6:20 pm and I was just eager waiting for Kellin. There was a knock on my door and I smiled as I got up in a hurry to answer it. I opened it and there he was. He was wearing a grey button up shirt with a leather jacket over it, with his black skinny jeans and black toms. He looked so adorable.

The Strays; Kellin Quinn Love Story {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now