Chapter 9

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It's been nine months I've been in this treatment facility. Nine months. My birthday is in two months. I've gotten so much better, I feel like a new person. I don't look at things the same much anymore, and I can thank all of this to Kellin. He has helped me get through these times with his music, and his lyrics, and just him being there for me. I am never going to be able to repay him for all he's done for me. He's been in here for three and a half months and I can tell how happier he is. I remember the first day I saw him, in group. He looked nervous and insecure. I just wanted to go up to him and hug him. Without him I don't know where I'd be today. In what condition, state of mind. This boy is amazing. And he makes me feel so happy whenever I see him. His smile brightens my day, and his eyes destroy me. It's going to be hard to say goodbye to him. I already know he's going to be leaving before me, I don't know when but I know that he is going to get out of here and go and live his dreams. I know it. And I was the person to help him do that. To encourage him, to give him faith, and to help write his beautiful lyrics. I know he's going to go far. I can feel it. I know it.

We worked on our songs and had little jam sessions together. Kellin decided the name of my song would be "With Ears To See And Eyes To Hear". Meaning rather than judging a person by what you see of them, pay attention to what's on the inside. What kind of person they are. Not everyone is who they portray to be. And that's who you know who is going to stay and who your real friends are. We skipped group and snuck out to our spot. We got our guitars and started practicing my song. Hearing Kellin sing my lyrics just made me melt and my feelings for him grow stronger. Why is he so beautiful and fucking perfect. Here I am, this depressed, broken hearted girl sitting in front of this beautiful creature. Like he'd ever feel the way I felt of him. A girl can dream though right? He broke me out of my thoughts as he started strumming waiting for me to start. We had finished my song and were now testing it out. I'm really glad I had gotten his help.

His green-brownish eyes looked up into mine. He smiled at me and I began as he head nodded at me.

"True friends lie underneath,
These witty words I don't believe
I can't believe a damn thing they say anymore
Lie! Liar, you'll pay for your sins
Now! Liar, I know all the places you've been.

Forgiveness-this taste all but poisons my mouth
I scream but nothing, nothing will come out
You've gone too far

So tell me how does it feel, how does it feel to be like you?
I think your mouth should be quiet 'cause it never tells the truth
So tell me, so tell me why, why does it have to be this way?
Why can't things ever change?

Falling over and over again
Oh, why does it have to be this way?"

I nodded to Kellin for him to sing the next verse. He smiled and took a deep breath still strumming his guitar as he started to sing.

"From the place I was, to the place I am, to the place I want to be
For the mountains I've been climbing over and under and over

From the place that I was to the man I've become
I'll be there to see the tower you'll fall from
No, this kingdom isn't quite what it may seem
You're an illusion, you'll never be king

So tell me how does it feel, how does it feel to be like you?
I think your mouth should be quiet 'cause it never tells the truth
So tell me, so tell me why, why does it have to be this way?
Why can't things ever change?"

He finished and then it was my turn.

"Sometimes things are better left unsaid
But this time you'll get what you give."

He started singing the chorus.

(True friends lie underneath,
These witty words I don't believe,
I can't believe a damn thing they say anymore)

The Strays; Kellin Quinn Love Story {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now