Chapter 18

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I woke up the next morning after basically crying myself to sleep. It was stupid and I felt like absolute shit but I can't do anything about how he made me feel. I felt invisible, like nothing was there between us anymore.

I laid in bed just staring at my ceiling thinking when my phone rang. It was Justin. I sucked up my tears and answered it.

"Hi Justin.." I spoke.

"Hey." He replied.

"What's up?" I responded.

"Do you want to hang out today?" He asked me.

"Sure. What time?" I responded looking at my clock that read 12:45 pm.

"How about like 3. Meet me at Denny's down the street. I'll see you later. Bye Mae." He hung up the phone.

Well that was kind of weird. Did Justin just ask me out? Well hanging out with him makes me happy, he's really caring and nice so who cares. Maybe I'll get over what happened with Kellin, I don't know.

I hopped into the shower and got ready. I dried my hair and did my makeup. I threw on my Pierce the veil crop top with my long black cardigan and my black ripped skinny jeans. I put on my black skater van high tops. I looked at the time and it was 2:30. I got my keys and got into my car. I turned on the radio as I was driving to meet up with Justin and why of course, "If You Can't Hang" turned on. I rolled my eyes and changed it immediately. I mean I was super happy that it got onto the radio, of course but I just couldn't enjoy it in a moment like this.

I made it to Denny's, and parked the car. I looked at myself in the dashboard mirror and sighed as I got out. The weather was nice and cloudy which was my favorite kind of weather. I opened the door and walked in looking for Justin. I saw him and he turned and smiled at me, I smiled at him and walked over to him. I greeted and hugged him as I sat down in the booth next to him. I looked at the menu propped up in my face and someone had sat down in front of us on the other side of the booth..

It was Kellin. I looked up and then glared daggers at Justin.

"Oh hey Mae. What's up?" He smiled at me. I put my menu down and tried to be nice.

"Hi Kellin. Nothing, what about you?" I slightly smiled.

The waitress came over and took our orders. Justin just ordered water which was weird. Once she left, I slid my hand under the table and pinched Justin several times.

"OWW!" He grabbed my arms for me to stop. I laughed. Kellin was just looking confused.

"I need to talk to Justin for a moment outside." I grabbed Justin by his hand and dragged him outside the restaurant into the parking lot.

"I know what you're doing. And I hate you." I said bluntly.

"Then what am I doing?" He smiled at me. I rolled my eyes.

"You're trying to get Kellin and I alone and it's not going to work because he obviously likes that girl he met just last night." I folded my arms.

"What!? I can't just hang out with my buddies?" He playfully hit my arm.

"I hate you." I glared at him.

"No you love mee." He responded smiling like a jackass. His phone rang and he got serious. He hung up and had a straight face.

"I have to go, have fun!" He kissed my cheek and ran away. I grabbed his arm.

"NO NO NO NO YOU CANT LEAVE ME WITH HIM JUSTIN-" he slipped out of my grip and ran to his car.

"Have fun you two." He winked as he rolled down the window as I flipped him off.

He drove off and I was left to go back to Kellin. I appreciated what he was doing but Kellin obviously doesn't like me and I can't force him to. So this isn't going to work. I took a deep breath and walked back inside. Kellin looked up at me as I sat down opposite from his side of the booth.

The Strays; Kellin Quinn Love Story {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now