Chapter 17

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After the guys practically attacked me in a group bear hug, we hung out backstage and then we walked outside to get some air. The guys were truly amazing. I know they're going to become huge. We hung out by the Van which had a huge "SLEEPING WITH SIRENS" sticker on both sides. A group of girls were all giggling and being shy a few cars away. Finally the guys decided to go over to them.

"I'm going to stay in the car..." I requested walking away slowly.

"No you're coming with me I don't want you to be alone." He smiled as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me behind him as we walked over to the group fan girls.

They were all pretty and I was feeling very insecure. Two of the girls were all over Kellin, duh. And the other three were talking and laughing with Jesse, Jack, Justin and Gabe. I kind of just stood behind awkwardly. I was looking around and up to the stars in the sky as they were all talking.

"So, can I get your number beautiful?" I heard Kellin ask which made me turn my head curiously.

He pulled out his phone and smiled at this beautiful girl who looked like a model. She had long brown hair and was just flawless. She smiled at Kellin and I just wanted to disappear. I wanted to run and hide since obviously I'm nothing compared to her. I thought Kellin liked me, what happened to us? Now he gets to meet all these girls so he has way more options. Better, greater options. When was I thinking.. A tear fell down my cheek and I walked back over to the van and waited as I wiped away my tears and begged myself to stop crying. I felt so weak and just stupid crying over this. I heard footsteps and quickly wiped my tears away with the sleeves of my jacket and sniffled as I leaned against the passenger door of the van.

"Mae? What are you doing over here, why did you leave? Are you okay?" It was Justin being caring. I appreciated it that someone actually noticed.

"I just felt awkward so I came over here." I said blankly and fake smiled. My eyes were still watery.

"I know you're lying. Your eyes are puffy and red. What the hell happened. You can tell me.." He begged as he stared into my eyes and I looked away as the sadness came over me again.

"It doesn't matter." I said not wanting to tell him after who stupid it sounds.

"Yes it does." He came over to me and hugged me. I closed my eyes as I hugged him back.

"I just thought Kellin liked me. I thought we would be back to where we were before. But clearly he doesn't and we're nothing." I responded ending the hug.

"Mae. He always talks about you. How much you've helped him, how much you mean to him. He was so worried about you. But now he found you. He cares about you. He may have a weird way of showing it but we know. We know he does. Okay?" Justin replied. I smiled slightly.

"Thank you so much Justin." I hugged him. He smiled and hugged back.

The car beeped and scared the living shit out of both of us. The guys laughed. The car unlocked and I hopped in next to Justin in the back. Kellin was in the passengers seat on his phone. The guys were all talking about how hot the girls were and shit like that. I was just sitting awkwardly here in the back looking out of the window as the moon was following the car as we drove.

"Katelynne responded!!" Kellin announced.

I just looked up at him all smiling and he looked so happy. I turned to look at Justin and he mouthed "it's okay." To me. It wasn't okay. I was hurt and obviously what we have, or HAD doesn't mean anything anymore. People just come to me when they need company or just someone to talk to and be there for them. I'm so sick of being that person who cares so much about the people who treat them like shit. Like they don't matter or that they're invisible. I'm so sick of it. I guess nothing was changing and probably never will. I'll always be this lonely sad charity case forever. And obviously Kellin was happy and I couldn't get in the way of that. Kellin deserves to be happy after what he has been through.

But so do I...

{ Alone With Me - This Wild Life 💜🌚 }

The Strays; Kellin Quinn Love Story {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now