Chapter 12

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It had been days, weeks, months. And finally years. It had finally hit me.

I had lost all hope.

We started texting, calling, face-timing. Then suddenly it all just slowly started fading away, and at that time I felt our relationship fading away too. Our memories, our feelings.. Just..


Which was what I would like to be at this point of my life. It would have been 2 years now that he had been gone. Living without me. Facing the world without me. And pretty soon I would too. I would be out of this mad house and would be facing the world on my own. Not like I was already doing that. But, this time really on my own. Alone, and scared. With no one by my side or who cared. No friends, parents, or.. Kellin. I just kept telling myself. Just a couple months, just a couple more weeks, just a few more days.. And finally, I was getting out. And it was about time. I had to keep up being "good" to not ruin my chances of getting out of this place. I couldn't just break back down because of Kellin. I had to be strong for him. Because I know that, that's what's what he would want of me. I would be so broken and hell would be let loose. And I wasn't going to let that happen again. I wasn't going to let some boy who I thought was going to be different, break me again. I realized that all you have is yourself. In the end of all things, all you have is you. And you have to be there for yourself and keep living. And that was exactly what I was doing.

So today was the big day. I was in here for 3-4 years. Wow I can't wait for that to go on my resume.. Well it doesn't matter now. What matters is that I finally get to live on my own. For myself. By myself, which is really all that I wanted. I wanted to just take care of myself. Not have to clean up after someone else. I was cleaning up my things in my room, packing my clothes, getting rid of things that I decided weren't important. I had the radio on and they were talking about some new artist doing a collab. Some band called Pierce The Veil was doing a collab with someone.. I couldn't hear the name. I was really enjoying it, they seemed like a really great band. The screams were fucking amazing. And the lyrics were just... Ugh. Most people can't hear the meaning or lyrics but I did. Somehow, it seemed familiar. The song had ended. "And there you go folks! New hit song by Pierce The Veil featuring Kellin Quinn."

Um. Wait... What?


A/N: hello lovelies. It's been a long time i know. It's currently 3:20 am. I just felt like writing a quick little chapter. Just kind of needed to get some things out I guess. More will come soon I promise.. Finals are this week my god.. I can't wait to get out of school. I'm going to be a sophomore that's crazy. I just can't believe everything I've been through this year, and how fast it has passed. Life is a crazy ride. You either can choose to be alone in it or have someone by your side. It's your choice but those people have to help you make your choice by their actions of course. Just one more full week and then two days and I'm done. I'll be done with Freshman year. I can't believe how far I've come. And I'm so proud and glad of the choices I've made. I haven't regretted them.

Well. Goodbye for now. It's not the end I promise. I just have to see how I feel about writing at the moment. Goodnight my beautiful and strong angels. You're amazing and strong and so worth your life. You were born and put on this earth for a reason. Make that worth something. Give it a reason. It's not the end. Even if things may seem like they're crashing down on you. I promise it's not the end. We've all felt like that in our lives. I for sure have. Frequently actually. I've been clean since May 3rd. You can recover too. It takes time and effort and some distractions. I love everyone of you. I truly do and thank you for reading.

"I don't want to spoil the end for you, but in the end, everything will be okay."

That makes me smile, I hope it does for you too. Ily goodnight. 💜

Instagram - personal : @courtneymmartinez
Insta - band account :


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