Chapter 22

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I ended up sleeping at Kellin's house. I fell asleep on the couch but I woke up in his bed. I guess he carried me which was very sweet of him. I woke up and was alone on his bed. I got up and walked out into his living room. The air filled with the smell of eggs and bacon. I smiled as I peeked around the corner to see Kellin making breakfast. I smiled as I went up behind him and wrapped my arms around him.

"Morning beautiful." He spoke as I slid my arms around him and kissed his shoulder.

"Morning Kellin. Do you need any help?" I asked him as I smiled.

"No, you are my guest Mae. I got it." He turned to face me and kissed my forehead as he grabbed my arms from his waist and kissed my hands. I smiled and blushed then went to sit down on the couch as I pulled out my phone.

"Come eat love." He announced as he put our plates on the table. I smiled and went to sit down next to him.

"Thank you Kellin." I smiled at him as I began to cut my eggs.

"Of course." He kissed my cheek which made me blush.

"Do you want my bacon?" I laughed. He turned to me with his eyes wide.

"YOU DONT LIKE BACON WHATS WRONG WITH YOU." He laughed as he took my bacon strips and ate them. He smiled at me.

"I just don't, my brother is all about bacon but I'm not, I'm sorry." I laughed as I stuffed my face in my eggs. He laughed.

"It's all good I'm just surprised." He smirked.


It was now noon and I decided to head home. I thanked Kellin as he drove me home.

"The guys are having a party tonight, you better be there." He smirked at me as I got out of the car and stood outside his window.

"Fine. See you later." I smiled as I began to walk away.

"Wait! I don't get a kiss!?" He smiled really big which made me laugh as I walked back over to him and gave him a big kiss on the lips.

"Thank you for everything Kellin." I smiled.

"I love you." He smiled. I gave him a kiss on the lips again.

"I love you too." I smiled then walked away to my door smiling like a big giant idiot. I unlocked my door and then closed it leaning on the door as I smiled to myself.

He loves me..

~ Later ~

I got ready for the party tonight at Jesse's house which wasn't that far away from my house but Kellin still wanted to pick me up and take me. It was starting at 7 pm, and it was 6:00 as I started getting ready. I showered, blow dried, and straightened my hair then got dressed. I wore my leather skinny jeans, a Pierce the veil crop top with my leather jacket over. I did my makeup with a winged eyeliner and a smokey eye look. I then applied my red lipstick and some foundation as well. I smiled at my appearance and pulled on my high top skater vans. It was now 6:51 pm and I was waiting for Kellin.

Then there was a knock on the door and I smiled as I answered it. I greeted him as I pulled him into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his hands around my waist. He then pulled away and kissed me. Then we walked to the car hand in hand.

We made it to the party and got out of the car. We walked hand in hand up to his front door as music was blasting from the small house. We were greeted by a drunk Jack and Jesse. I smiled at them as they were being goofy.

"You guys are-you guys are sooo fucking cute get the fuck out." Jack slurred with a Jack Daniels bottle in his hand as he took another sip of it. I laughed and looked at Kellin.

The Strays; Kellin Quinn Love Story {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now