Tied knots

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The big day has finally come, guests were all over the house, children ran up and down as the played with each other. The big hall downstairs was decorated and void of all the chairs that occupied much space, buffet tables were all by the side of the hall with so much food than the crowd could finish.

Meanwhile,the bride has been adorned with either red here or gold there from head to toe. She was rather very quiet as her friends were getting ready, they laughed and joked with each other but the beautiful bride has zoned them out and was far lost in her reverie to even know it was her they were teasing.

 She was rather very quiet as her friends were getting ready, they laughed and joked with each other but the beautiful bride has zoned them out and was far lost in her reverie to even know it was her they were teasing

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A knock came on the door, instinctively everyone's attention diverged to its direction, there, the bride's step mother stood with a red cloth covered tray in her hand.

Afrah forced a smile on her face when her eyes met that of the woman, her twin siblings came to her and each by her side, their hands placed on the sides of her shoulders, that simple gesture gave her more courage and strength.

The girls excused themselves out, it was a family moment, they thought as they gave them some privacy.

Her stepmom settled her weight beside the bride on the bed, her expression was the type Afrah had never seen on her. Her face looked warm , her smile was sort of short but sweet and eyes were no longer blazing with fire, they were softer and for unknown reason the bride wasn't tensed anymore.

"Here" she said as she placed the platter gently on her lap. Afrah stared down at it until she started talking.

"Afrah" she called. Afrah couldn't answer but her eyes were on her step mom before she continued.

"Regardless of our relationship,i have always dreamt of marrying off my daughter but as Allah has willed, I've none of my own"

"This here" she said as she took the material off the tray, three sets of jewelry boxes came in view, " this is my gift to you and i pray you get all the happiness in the world" she added almost tearing up.

To say she was confused and shocked would be an understatement, but she managed to mutter a thank you to her and with that she left, probably to attend to more guests.

As though on the queue,the girls came right back, Aisha who has been on the phone with god knows who suddenly shouted excitedly, " shhh, listen guys it is starting" she squealed

"What is starting?" Iman who was still fixing her earrings asked.

" The wedding in the mosque" Aisha screeched again.

With that,the room was covered with the veil of silence as they all listened attentively.

Afrah was sweating all over, her heart has been oscillating between her throat and chest ,her stomach began tying up into knots.

'I will begin the mithaq (agreement)' the imam announced.

' Is the brides father here? Is this marriage forced? Did the woman give her consent ?' The imam inquired.

There and then, her heart stopped of nanoseconds, She couldn't breathe, in her head she was shouting No but She can't voice it out.

'Yes, I'm here, she gave her consent and no it's not forced' her father answered.

'Masha Allah masha Allah' the men in the mosque chorused.

'Thyyib(great), now where is the groom and his father' the imam asked again.

'We are here ' my soon to be father-in-law answered excitedly

' the same question, is the groom happy with the alliance? Is he forced and did he give his consent?'

'Yes, i did and I'm happy with the alliance ' as faisal was replying, Afra almost fainted, she doesn't know if it is an exaggeration but she was in a state she can't explain.

Her heart twisted and sunk with nerves as she sat in the mist of her friends.The white light enveloped her coldly, as she shook . Her breaths came in sharp pants and she tried to gain control, but nothing was working.

Slowly, the panic and anxiety attack flowed away, and yet she still shook. Her eyes, closed and aimed towards her clasped hands, slowly opened. Trepidation swelled through her as she slowly raised her eyes yet again to the steadily shining screen.

And when the iman concluded the marriage rites, and the knot got tied, nausea washed through her and she made a sprint to the bathroom.

No amount of gut emptying maneuvers could expel the dark feeling that sat in the depth of her stomach.


A muscle twitched involuntarily at the corner of his right eye, his mouth formed a rigid grimace. With arms folded tightly across his broad chest he tapped his foot furiously and all the while stared out of the grimy window.

This fitfully sunny morning would either see the dawn of his new life or snap his dreams in two.

He was nervous like he had never been before but unlike other grooms who have been in his shoes, he was more afraid of his wedding being called off.

He itched to call her and ask if she was going to be a runaway bride but he stopped himself.

It was time to go to the masjid, where the marriage will be held after the afternoon prayer.

Everything went on smoothly and he couldn't get any happier with the fact that Afrah is now his but he was still as nervous as he was before marriage was solemnized.

With all the negative energy she has been putting off, he decided that he wasn't going to let any pessimistic thoughts invade his head.

A mini reception was held for the men's only, it was a feast many would still talk about in years to come. His parents and hers really came through.

Faisal could not stop rubbing his sweaty palms over his crispy white cotton thobe he had just changed into ,he had been informed that his bride is ready to see him, the nervous break down he was having was next to none compared to the other breakdown he had before.

He needs to man up, she is now his wife.

The difficult part is over. They have finally tied the knot.

Not edited

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