5: thrones

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Call me in the morning to apologize
Every little lie gives me butterflies
Something in the way you're looking through my eyes
Don't know if I'm gonna make it out alive

Teeth; 5 Seconds of Summer

Teeth; 5 Seconds of Summer

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    A deep inhale. A long look in the mirror. A tug at his sapphire-toned jacket. A brief glance at his silver pocket watch. A shallow exhale.

Ashton turns his head slightly to his left to acknowledge his partner, who has come to his apartment to regroup and share what he has observed about their target. The younger demon is dressed from head to toe in an emerald hue, his partner's nervousness is not lost on him. The cupid necklace dangles shamelessly from his neck within a tangle of other chains.

"You're telling me, that while you were meant to find out important shit about Eden and that Michael guy, you spilled holy water on yourself?" Ashton rolls his eyes, grabbing a comb from the bathroom counter and slicking his hair back neatly behind his ears, exposing the thick silver hoops decorating his ears.

"It was an accident, dickhead," Luke snarls, scoffing and casting his eyes to his left, staring through the wide glass doors of Ashton's rooftop apartment. The entirety of Las Vegas stares right back at him, straight through to the empty cavity where his soul used to reside.

"And now your hand is fucked up. We can't afford mistakes like that, Luke."

Quicker than a flash of lightning, Ashton turns around and stares Luke directly in the eye, his own burning with subtle orange flames. Luke's ignite in response, not allowing the older fallen angel to intimidate him in this partnership.

"It will not happen again. I can promise you that fuckin' much." Luke mutters, running an angry hand through his messy curls. A few of them flop back over his eyes defiantly. Luke's head remains lowered, partially out of forced respect, and partially out of frustration. It takes all of his strength to stop a storm from collecting in the clouds just above this room.

"Good. Can't let Hellfire hear about that cute little incident. I am curious, though; where's that symbol you were talking about? Can I see it?" Ashton's dress shoes gently clip across the stiff hotel carpet as he strides towards Luke.

With one swift movement, he thrusts an arm towards his inferior, palm facing up, still burning from the touch of Eden's fingertips.

Luke digs in his pocket and pulls out the wrinkled slip of paper and drops it in Ashton's hand. He unfolds it and studies the unique symbol for a moment before neatly folding the paper and placing it inside the breast pocket of his jacket. Himself unsure of its meaning, he figures that Hellfire will know. He will bring it up when they conference with him.

"C'mon. He'll be expecting us soon," Ashton sighs, walking over to the crystal-clear glass doors and sliding them both open with one powerful movement. A slight gust of wind welcomes the demon to the musky air.

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