22: remedy

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CW: NSFW content, 18+; wound descriptions/medical terms; I suck at this stuff so idk read at your own risk...?

I want to lay you down on a bed of roses,
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails,
I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is,
And lay you down on a bed of roses.

Bed of Roses; Bon Jovi

         Eden lost consciousness in the few fleeting seconds before she hit the cold, gravel-covered ground

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         Eden lost consciousness in the few fleeting seconds before she hit the cold, gravel-covered ground. The image of Luke's burning blue eyes with dilating pupils, something that forever will haunt her deepest, most hellish nightmares, is branded across the insides of her eyelids. As her blood mixes with the ever-growing puddles of rain, it becomes increasingly difficult for her brain to reignite and wake up. She feels as if she is being pulled into a deep sleep, the burning pain in her leg slowly fizzles out, numbness leaks into her veins through her arm's open wound, her neck is covered in bruises of deep navy and purple blossoms.

          Everything is cold. Everything is dark. Everything is nothing.

         Ashton's feet are completely off the ground at this point, his wings slicing against the brick and concrete of each casino he passes. His insignia is burning clear down deep into his spinal column as he focuses in on her exact location. He can practically see her, stuck in that dark alley, the picture in his mind is so clear, but he cannot physically picture his garden in the amount of pain she had to have felt to transmit a signal that strong. As he approaches the alley, he tilts his wings, so he is able to swiftly land and begin sprinting down the narrow passageway. His heeled boots click-clack against the asphalt at the same speed as his rapidly increasing heartrate.

         She's fine, she's fine, she's just fucking FINE.

         She has to be..

         He can feel his heartbeat in his wrists and hear it as loud as the ocean within his ears. He is seeing red, and his fingertips, normally on fire, are numb and tingling uncomfortably. Panic is new to him; his cool, collected nature is being challenged from all sides.

          How could he possibly have let her walk away from him unattended? This is his fucking fault; all his fucking fault.

         Stay fucking calm; don't fuck this up further.

         His eyes, burning that deep sunset glow, stare down to the end of the alley where he can see just the faint outline of something partially obscured by the corner of the casino on his left. His heart sinks, and suddenly all of the heartbeats in his ears and in his wrists stop.

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