11: bedsheet visions

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    I love the light in your eyes and the dark in your heart,
You love our permanent chase and the bite of our bark
We know we're classic together like Egyptian gold
We love us

Valentine; 5 Seconds of Summer

       Goosebumps trickle up Eden's spine and across her shoulders as Ashton presses her body against the chilled glass of the sliding door

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Goosebumps trickle up Eden's spine and across her shoulders as Ashton presses her body against the chilled glass of the sliding door. Her legs remain coiled around his abdomen, and he holds her there, his hands gripping the undersides of her thighs tightly. Her head, dizzy from the combination of her near-miss fall, the one-too-many shots of vodka, and from the slight lack of oxygen, hasn't stopped spinning. She briefly, gently breaks away from Ashton, hoping her gasps for air don't sound as desperate as they feel escaping her, her eyes only slightly open.

"Not so fast, sweet thing," Ashton whispers coarsely, reaching up with one wandering hand to brush a loose curl away from her face, an action much too soft for their current state, "I'm not quite done finished with you, yet."

Eden, expecting his lips to return to where they had been moments before, is rendered surprised when he presses his lips softly to her neck, right up against her jawline. His breath, hot and heavy, expands across her skin as he slowly trails his lips up to her right ear. There he stops, causing Eden to involuntarily whine, almost inaudibly. She flushes with instant embarrassment, the heat spreading deep into her stomach and mixing with the already anxious butterflies.

Ashton chuckles, a low and intimidating sound. The goosebumps spread to her neck in less than an instant and she shivers. Ashton's fingers inch dangerously close to the hem of her red sequined dress. In this moment she isn't altogether sure if she wants him to continue trailing his fingers upwards or trace them immorally elsewhere.

"Somebody liked that," his haunting voice whispers directly into her ear. She can only nod, her eyes fully closed now, drowning in him, fully prepared to suffocate.

Her eyes cannot remain closed for long, as Ashton teasingly drags his teeth across the lobe of her ear. Eden's fingers palm and tug at the material hugging Ashton's shoulders instinctively as he does so.

"Ash," Eden breathes, alcohol still dripping from her voice as she speaks.

Ashton slowly drags his face away from the crook of her neck with slight exasperation. He brings his eyes up to directly peer deeply into hers. The flush continues to flood her face.

In the low light, his eyes remain constantly burning orange flames, fixated only on her, her and her damned swollen lips. She, momentarily transfixed, forgets that he must still be wearing those colored contacts from the party, her drunken mind too blurry to realize that his eyes had not been aflame when their lips first met.

His chest heaves slowly, looking from her eyes to her lips, up and down. His mouth has formed an impatient line. Only she would have the power to make him pause just because she said his name.

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