23: convertible

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These bad omens,
I look right through them,
That's what you do when you love somebody.

Bad Omens; 5 Seconds of Summer

           Calum's coffee-colored eyes flash as he drinks in Luke's unadulterated anger, his long trench coat now ruined from the Altior pushing him against the wet concrete wall

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           Calum's coffee-colored eyes flash as he drinks in Luke's unadulterated anger, his long trench coat now ruined from the Altior pushing him against the wet concrete wall. He tries to laugh, but Luke's elbow presses further and harder against his throat, his sapphire eyes narrowed.

          Luke could kill him right this instant.

          He could. So, what's stopping him?

          "I asked you a question, you Sicarius prick," Luke growls, only slightly removing a bit of pressure from the inferior demon's neck, keeping him under his grip just enough in case he tries anything.

          Calum smirks, looks down at Luke's elbow, and meets his direct gaze once again. In a voice only somewhat strained, he responds, tilting his head, still smirking.

          "You really don't think I'm still a Sicarius because I suck at my job, do you?" The chuckle that escapes him is dry, almost empty and altogether lifeless.

           Luke squints, not altogether sure of the point Calum is attempting to make.

          "Nah. It's because I love my job, Hemmings. I'm fucking stellar at it," Calum's smile grows with every word that falls out of his mouth, "Death is beautiful. Torture is beautiful. You said I could be promoted if I did this job for you, but that's not what I was after. I just wanted to help you out, friend. I'd hoped you'd let me kill her..."

          "That still doesn't fucking explain—"

          "Nothing personal, pretty boy, I was enamored with the moment," Calum's brows furrow, almost sickened by the taller blonde's apparent judgement—quite hypocritical, "Jesus, if you're that offended by me, why is it that you get all doe-eyed around Irwin?"

          Luke's blood turns to ice and he completely withdraws his arm away from Calum, as if he had burned him. The anger within him burns brighter however, despite the greater proximity between the two of them.

          "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, Hood." Luke spits, rolling his eyes.

          "Oh, don't you?" Calum laughs, finding his denial to be more amusing than his reaction to his kiss had been, "You follow him around like some dopey puppy, Hemmings. That seems like more than just a desire for approval to me."

          "We're partners," Luke states, the rain beginning to pour ever harder around them as his subconscious swirls and begins to bubble to the surface of his conscious mind.

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