18: restraints

379 26 155

    Echoes knocking on locked doors,
All the laughter from before,
I'd rather live out on the street,
Than in this haunted memory.

Funhouse ; P!nk

Funhouse ; P!nk

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Flashes of Michael's face, blood, and an awful ripping sound fill Eden's brain as she gently pulls her hand away from Michael's wings, yanking her wrists close to her chest, greatly fearful of whatever she just saw. She would never forget how warm and dense Ashton's "faux" wings had felt under her fingertips on Halloween. Michael's felt exactly like that.

"Uh, yeah. They were black," Michael raises an eyebrow, concern slowly growing in his heart as he watches the color drain from Eden's face and begins to follow her thought process, "What's wrong?"

Eden has never felt hot embarrassment and anger course through her body so suddenly and so painfully before. The realization of her entire situation has her shaking and standing up without thinking or answering Michael. She digs a cigarette out of her suede purse draped across her body.

"Give me a light, Michael, please," she states with little showcase of emotion, simply reaching behind her with her palm facing the sky.

The Archangel says nothing, but obeys her, pulling his silver Zippo out from the depths of his pocket slowly. She flicks it open, and flames of life quickly follow. Thick gray smoke curls out of her mouth. The anxiety coursing throughout her body slowly begins to drain with each blackened breath.

"That's why you don't want me to fucking date him, isn't it?" Eden snarls, and Michael's stomach drops a few feet hearing the hidden ache in her voice.

"He's dangerous," He states in an even voice, simply repeating what he told her before when it had fell upon deaf ears. She is listening now. She hears him now. She is angry now.

"I should have listened to you before I made the choice to make the damn prick my boyfriend," she sighs, murmuring the words with a cigarette between her lips, "because that didn't a fucking day."

Michael's eyes widen slightly, and he rises to his feet, bringing his hand to her shoulder, half-expecting her to shrug it away. She lets it rest there for a moment before she brings her left hand across her body to rest on top of his, closing her eyes for just a moment, feeling the comfort of her best friend's presence without words, not knowing this would be one of the last times his soothing touch, that which holds her to the earth, would reach her. With a deep breath, she opens her eyes again, staring out the glass panes of the shop doors.

"I'll be back," Eden states, flicking her eyes over her shoulder towards Michael. He catches a deep pain deep within them before she casts her eyes downward once again.

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