25: ptsd

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Tell me who's gon' save me from myself
When this life is all I know
Tell me who's gon' save me from this hell
Without you, I'm all alone

Pray for Me; Kendrick Lamar and The Weeknd


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          Michael's chest heaves with thick breaths as he takes in the Sicarius' appearance

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          Michael's chest heaves with thick breaths as he takes in the Sicarius' appearance. The chains and the trench coat; this is the same son of a bitch from the other night who brought him here, the one working with that bastard Hemmings. His wrists and ankles, rubbed so raw they are almost numb, beg him not to move. His green eyes, nearly lifeless, are somehow still filled with rage as he looks the inferior (or so he would assume) demon up and down.

         "Is that supposed to be funny?" Michael scoffs in a voice that sounds like it was ran through a garbage disposal, "Because you hung me from these damn chains, poisoning me at a rate almost even with my healing ability, so that my death is agonizingly slow?"

         "Oh, angelface, no!" Calum laughs, his brown eyes aflame with delight, "I was genuinely asking."

         "Fuck you," Michael spits at the demon in front of him, his saliva tinged slightly pink. The effort aggravates the Archangel's splitting migraine.

         "Language, Clifford," Calum laughs, a strangely warm sound emitting from a vessel so cold, as he kneels down, right next to the bars of Michael's cell, so that they are basically face to face, nose to nose, "That seems very unbecoming for someone like you, don't you think?"

         "Do you enjoy this?" Michael narrows his eyes at the demon, who simply drags his tongue across his fangs once again.

         "Define 'this'," Calum smiles, adjusting so that he is sitting fully on the concrete floor, ankles crossed, as if content if he were to remain in this spot for a long while.

         Michael rolls his eyes, fixing them to his left at the metal chains holding him back, not answering the demon.

         "You haven't even asked for my name, angelface," Calum smirks, tilting his chin up, smugly.

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