iv. Reggie Mantle

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"What are you doing here?" Jughead asked as he caught eyes on Reggie Mantle.

"Oh, I heard you man, the car alarm, besides, you're not the first one to come look at the famous window. We all did it and we all took our shot." Reggie explained to a grossed out Jughead.

"Dude, Betty's dead. I'm sorry, but it's true. Nothing anyone did to her was any different than what happens to every girl at every high school. She just wanted attention and leaving those tapes... that's a fucked-up thing to do. No one deserves that. Except maybe that psycho." Reggie exclaimed.

"Tyler Down, that crazy kid who reminds you of Reggie Mantle the one who left a couple of summers ago," Jughead questioned.

"The same one. So, listen, take your shot and pass those things on, man. You'll feel better." Reggie said.

Not wanting to deal with Reggie's crap, when Jughead brought out another tape again and he open the boombox cassette. A plastic door eases open and He slide the tape and He played it on the spot and it caused the other turn their heads to the direction of the iPod Jughead was scared. Scared of what he was about to hear.

"Hey, it's Betty. You're off to the fourth reason, now. You're almost there. And it's almost time."

That last line caused chills upon everyone in the booth.

"Shh... for this next one, you need to be very, very quiet. Because you're about to do something very wrong. Be careful, and don't get caught. Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to watch someone? To invade someone's privacy? Do you wonder what secrets you might uncover? What skeletons you might turn up? Well, for this next one you're about to find out. A-4 on your map, kids. Now, don't say you're too afraid or that you don't feel comfortable doing this kind of thing, because guess what? Yes, you spy on people everyday. We are always watching someone. Following someone. And being followed. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: they've made us a society of stalkers and we love it."

"She's officially lost it," Reggie exclaimed to the others. But deep inside he knew exactly what Betty was talking about. He just hoped he wouldn't have to explain it himself.

"And if you've made it to A4 and you're outside his window. Well, stay tuned to hear about the skeletons he dug up. For now, let's see if he's got any of his own. I get that it's a thrill, looking into someone's life. Reggie Mantle, you're a lying piece of crap. Tyler Down, an aspiring photographer, a creep. You humiliated me, you ruined me. You claimed that you saw me, most people, you put a camera on them and they smile. They pose. They basically fake it. That you don't see them, you see their mask. Whenever your camera was on me, I was different. Like, real, and you fell in love with that. Real. So, yeah, you took pictures of me. You were my personal stalker, you would stand outside my window, your eyes lingering on me."

"Like I said, we're a society of stalkers. We're all guilty. We all look. We all think things we're ashamed of. The only difference is Tyler or Reggie, whatever you prefer, you got caught. You made me paranoid, so now I'm giving that to you. Maybe I'll never know why you did what you did, but I can make you understand how it felt to be me. That's why I'm outside your window. And after people hear this, I bet I won't be the only one. Thing is even though you stopped coming around, I never stopped feeling afraid. So what could I do after that? First the school, then my house, even my own bedroom. Nowhere was safe. You took all that away."

Then it cuts back to silence. And deep breaths were taken by many.

"That's why Reggie hasn't been active recently. He feels sorry for what happened." Veronica did see the change in Reggie recently.

"And he's been more affected by her death rather than the day Jason died." Cheryl added, as Jughead rolled his eyes because old Cheryl had to make everything out of her and Jason. The awkward silence made everything worse until Kevin saw a newcomer in Pop's.

"Hey, look! Doesn't that girl look like Betty, but like a brunette kind?" Kevin pointed out while the rest looked and all of them were left with their jaws dropped.

Brunette Betty walked passed their booth but Veronica was overwhelmed with her feelings. "Betty? Betty. Betty." She kept saying her name until she got to her.

She turned around to reveal a girl who replied to her, "Um, excuse me. Who are you?"

Jughead stood up and followed Veronica. "Jughead, this is Carmen Smith. She's new and we'll be her new friends." That smile it was too familiar to ruin him. He reciprocated her smile and turned his back. Something's wrong here.

" Hey! I'm Carmen, Lorelai Carmen Smith. I just moved from New York and I guess I'll be your new friend, according to Veronica."

This is Betty, I know it. But how?

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