v. Josie McCoy

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"So you spend most of your days here?" Carmen asked. She preferred everyone to call her Carmen rather than Lorelai, "Yeah, we met everyone here so it just made sense that we'll hang out here. " Archie replied, observing her intently.

"Um, Carmen. Are you somehow related to the Coopers?" Jughead needed the answers or else, he'd dig for it by himself.

"You mean like Hal and Alice's family? Yeah, I'm their godchild. Why do you ask?" She smiled, making everyone's eyebrows rise in synchronization.

"So Alice knows you? " Kevin asked.

Just like I said, yes. I'm their godchild." she giggled after her reply.

"Were you close with Polly...a-and Betty?"

"I-I don't know this Betty you're talking about nor this Polly you speak of? Should I know them?" She looked at everyone, cluelessly. They knew that there was something weird going through.

Let's have a run through, so how can the godchild of Alice and Hal Cooper not know her cousins?

"Your cousin, Betty, just died a few weeks ago. To suicide." Veronica broke the news while Carmen was obviously flabbergasted. She never had the chance to meet her at all, she even didn't know she had a cousin!

"And she sent us 13 reasons why she killed herself." Jughead added,

Carmen had this look in her face that she wanted to leave. "I...I, Can I listen to it, with you guys?"

They all shared a look and nodded altogether. Cheryl brought out the iPod out and played the fifth clip. It all began with a static.

"Hey, it's Betty. Betty Cooper. I know you're just dragging yourself to finish these tapes and I'm sorry. Don't worry once you're done, you won't get to hear it anymore."

Carmen didn't know how to react to the audio files because one, she never knew her and two, it's too depressing. But deep inside her, there's something that was familiar with this.

"I'm going straightforward to this thing because you, too, were straightforward when you tried to hurt me. Josie McCoy, this one for you. So let's take it back to the same year me and Kevin, Veronica, Archie and Cheryl started hanging out and then Chuck and Reggie. You grew jealous of Veronica and Chuck were dating and it made everything worse for you because he liked Veronica or the others girls. Look, I never wanted you to date him after what he did to me and Veronica because he was toxic and he was a player. I just don't know what made you like him. Then you decide to invite me to your party and have me drink a spiked punch. A few days later, you tell my mom I've been drinking and drinking and using drugs. You made my mom send me to my estranged aunt down in tennessee for a year. You know what I had to go through there? No I won't tell you because you feeling any pity will have no use at all. I, I just cant find the reason why I could really forgive you. I mean, taking my best friend away then ruining the most important year in Riverdale. I could've helped you get Chuck back then."

Then it cuts back to silence. Josie was mortified, her deepest secret was now a known fact. She felt horrible and embarrassed as she dealt with everyone's stares, each of them wondering could do this, it was obvious to everyone that Josie was jealous of Veronica but to go this far over a guy.

The Coopers and the other's realized that no one was who they seemed to be, that this town was drenched in secrets.

And sooner or later the truth will come to light.

The Coopers just wished it didn't end this way, with Betty's dead.

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