vi. Hal Cooper

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"Welcome, you know who I am, so I'll skip the introduction. Mom, I don't know how you even did it. If I were you, I would've left him years ago, before you found out about my mental health. It still hurts how much my father changed in the span of a month. He lied about Polly and it broke me. Like he broke you mom. I heard the slaps and kicks that were aimed your way, but I never said anything because I still had hope for him. I do that, a lot and it's not a good trait. It ruins you, one moment at a time. You know what dad, you deserved the brick that mom threw at the door two years ago. You ruined me and mom. Even if you apologized for everything, it still isn't enough. Those tears I cried before I slept every night, even after you became the blackhood in Riverdale, those blood that I bled, those opportunities I could've gotten and the confidence that I could've developed, all were wasted and couldn't be brought back. And one of them, dad or Hal, is my life. I deserve better than you and I'm not really sorry for saying that."

Then they hear Betty's yelps and hears Hal over the audio. Damn, this guy's abusive, Jughead thought.

Confusion swept over the others, as they wondered how on earth could Betty have been beaten by her dad.

"I miss my dad, the man who'd who'd always have my back especially in school, he'd tutor me on lessons until he knew I'd explain it on my own, the man who'd teach me how to fix our car, who could care less if I got an A or B+ in school. But know that guy is gone. He was gone the second he learned about my general anxiety disorder from a personality disorder. I always thought he'd be the one to accept all of this going in my head, but in his eyes, I was a mistake. And if you haven't caught up yet, my father was somewhat abusive."

"If I ever kill myself, that would be inevitable. I promise you in about 2 or 5 years, you'd see me somewhere in the house with a foaming mouth."

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