Dance! (Mira)

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The nap was just what I needed. I was still a little tired after my alarm went off, but after stretching out in bed I felt a little more human with rest that didn't involve an airplane seat. I glanced over to see that was Michelle still passed out on her bed, and figured I'd let her sleep while I grabbed a shower. There was no point in waking her up just to make her wait for me to get out.

I grabbed my toiletries bag from the suitcase and unloaded all my travel sized containers of shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream and everything else. If we were hitting the clubs tonight, I wanted to look and feel good. I needed some fun. I needed to dance. I might even kiss a girl. But I wasn't going to fall in love. I was here for two weeks, and there was no point in getting involved with someone I'd never see again afterwards. A little flirting and kissing would be just fine though.

The shower was nice, and I was able to get everything shaved and clean before getting out and dry. I got my skin lotion on and was feeling really good about the night. I was going to dance my ass off! Caracas may not have been a conventional choice for a vacation, but we were damned sure going to make the most of it.

When I got out of the bathroom, Michelle was sitting up, though still looking half asleep. "The bathroom is all yours. Did you hear from Faith and Zoe?"

"Thanks, and no. I was afraid to call and hear their sex noises. Zoe moans like my Aunt Hilly and it freaks me out," Michelle grumbled as she stumbled towards the shower.

"I don't want to know how you've heard both of them in that way, let alone how you compared them," I laughed. "But I'll get a hold of them and get dinner planned."

I heard the shower start up and gave a quick call to Zoe. She answered all out of breath, so I had a suspicion that Michelle was right, and that I'd interrupted them. I was able to get them to promise to meet us downstairs in the restaurant in 45 minutes. I had a feeling they'd finish whatever they were doing first, so I expected them to be late.

It took a bit for Michelle and me to get ready. I had packed my favorite dancing dress, a black dress that was cut just above my knees with spaghetti straps to show off my shoulders. It had a nice slit up the thigh so that dancing would be easier, and I liked my legs, so it was nice to show them off. I wasn't nearly as top heavy as the other girls, though I was happy for my B cups and didn't need to wear a bra in this dress, since it had built in support up top. A lacy black thong, low black heels, and some diamond studs were all I needed to complete the look. I slipped a little money into the top of the dress but left everything else in the room since I didn't want to leave anything at the club by accident. Michelle was in a sparkly silver mini dress that looked as though it would flash everyone if she bent over to pick up anything on the floor. There was a good chance she was coming home with someone tonight!

We made our way down to the restaurant in the lobby of the hotel and looked around for Zoe and Faith. As expected, they were late. By the time they showed up, we'd already finished our appetizers, and were waiting on our main courses. Zoe and Faith caught up quickly, they were famished from their work out and each wolfed down a steak faster than we did.

"So, who is ready for some dancing?" Zoe finally asked when she was done eating.

We all cheered happily and set out for venue. Michelle had talked to the concierge, who recommended a club just a couple blocks away so we could enjoy the night air as we walked there. It was a nice evening, though still humid. I wouldn't be surprised if it rained later, but I wouldn't mind as long as I didn't have to walk through it.

The club was certainly easy to find, we could hear the thumping of the bass from half a block away, and we were all walking faster once we could feel it rattling our bones. In a flash we were past the bouncer and finding a seat in a corner booth. I hadn't been seated for even a minute before Zoe had 4 shots on the table. She and Faith guzzled theirs and were back out on the dance floor. They'd never even had a seat.

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