Snake Snack (Hana)

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After the brilliant plan from Mira, the bad guys washed away from the stream successfully and we suppose to leave further away from them again for our escape. But I was too stupid to hit my head and I had to rest for recovery. I always brought bad luck to us and screw up our escape plan and slow us down.

It was a huge disaster for us because of my clumsiness.

Mira never gave up on me. I was touched she stayed by my side, taking care of me. She always had the patience and never complained about how terrible I was whenever I ruined her plan. Instead, she always told me how great I did anything to save us. She was fast and brilliant in everything, she could leave me this burden away from her, but she didn't.

I had wasted our time after my sleep and rest. We finally could keep going after I recover. We knew the bad guys would eagerly look for us again since we set this up to them.

Unfortunately, we encounter a huge snake while we were continuing the trail we had to pass through. Yes, we had a few snakes as our dinner, but this snake was venomous and dangerous compared to other snakes Mira could kill them like a piece of cake.

I didn't know the type of snake. The type that threatened human life I knew was cobra and anaconda. I could tell it wasn't anaconda or cobra because if it was an anaconda, we already became its meal. By Mira's explanation, it seemed like a viper instead of a cobra. Oh, that was new for me.

Thank you for my lucky charm, we passed this snake. It remained still and seemed we weren't its business. That was good and we successfully pass by it without getting any harm. Right after we were relieved to pass the viper, here we go. I had no idea how fast that bastard was, no one could reach us after he washed away from the stream.

He was a beast!

He stood there right up at the trail, I could see he was smugly staring down at us and slowly walking toward us. I knew it might be stupid to return to the snake side. We are either captured from this bastard again or sent to somewhere we never wanted to think about. Or we may risk our life to be bitten by the snake.

I rather die by a snake attack instead of getting tortured and killed by the bastards. They would never be good to us since they had spent all the way to catch us. I silently prayed to myself as Mira stood in front of me to shield me from the bastard.

Right, we can't die. I had to stay alive to keep Mira alive too. She never gave up our life and I shouldn't either.

Think! Hana, think!

The bastard still took his time walked to us as I whispered to Mira, "What if we trick him for the snake to bite him?"

This idea might be a risk for us, but that was the only way we could get rid of this bastard to hunt us. I rather try our luck instead of getting caught and slaughtered by this bastard with his machete.

Mira turned to me as she seemed lit up with the idea and whispered, "That's a great plan, dumpling."

I always would gain more confidence with Mira's agreement. I eventually got calm as we ran back in the snake's direction which was behind the log. The rain was getting heavier, and it was the best time for us to lure the bad guy into there. I finger-crossed he only found out after he was attacked by the snake.

Once we reached the bushes, he quickly pulled out a gun from his back and raised it over his head to make a shot. Mira and I were startled by the gunshot.

Holy shit! I thought he was only with a machete! What is it now? Stay calm, Hana.

He chuckled darkly, "Don't run! Or I'll shoot your legs." He used his gun gestured us walked toward his side, "Get over here or I'll shoot you."

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